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The first night in Australia was weird for Lisa. When they arrived it was already nighttime due to the time difference and they had gone straight to their hotel in the middle of busy Melbourne. Lisa lay on her hotel room bed but sleep seemed to be evading her tonight. Maybe she had actually slept too long on the airplane. Lisa was known to be able to sleep anywhere, anytime but that didn't mean it was always good sleep. However with Jennie's warm weight pressing against her in their little airplane cubicle bubble, she had slept so incredibly well. 

Lisa knew that if she didn't sleep tonight, she would be terribly jetlagged for the next few days and she couldn't afford it. They had their next concert in a couple days and they needed to rehearse and do a soundcheck at the new location, because every concert hall was different and they needed to become familiar with the place. 

She turned on her side. This bed was so freaking huge. And it felt empty. Her heart knew exactly who she wanted to have next to her in this bed right now. The thai girl groaned quietly in frustration and buried her face in her hands. The realization that she actually had feelings beyond friendship for one of her members, was still a bit much for her to process. Her face became hot just thinking about Jennie. 

She wondered for how long she had actually felt this way and couldn't quite put a finger on it. Because it seemed to have always been there. It just wasn't as strong in the beginning. But the moment Jennie had left that stage in Macao, it had hit Lisa straight in the face. She just hadn't been willing to admit it then. But now, it was getting stronger every day. Strong enough to prevent Lisa from ignoring it any longer. 

In her heart she was really ok with being attracted to girls. It felt natural to her. But she had no idea how other people would feel about it. How Jennie felt about it. The korean was used to Lisa's physical side and had over time become more and more physically attached as well. Grabbing Lisa's hand or putting Lisa's arms around herself. Jennie never shyed away from her or flinched like Jisoo and Rosé did when Lisa came too close. 

But all of those past touches never had any romantic meaning. At least not consciously. Thinking back a little bit, Lisa had to admit that Rosé and Jisoo were right. A lot of interactions between Jennie and her might have come across as a bit couply. If that was a word...

Had her body always known and just never told her mind? What the hell.

The other two made their jokes but what if they knew what Lisa felt? Would they tolerate it or would they think it was weird? Would Jisoo tell her to shut it down? Would Rosé tell her it was just a phase? 

They knew about Lisa's failed date with Jungkook. She told them all about it the minute she came back. They had just come to the conclusion that Kookie hadn't been the right guy for Lisa. But little did they know that no guy would ever be the right guy for Lisa. How would they react to that if they ever found out?

Lisa was slowly getting a headache now. 


She put on ocean sounds on her phone and closed her eyes, willing herself to sleep. Her mind kept on wandering to her favourite cat-eyed Unnie though. 

Was she already sleeping?

In her equally large hotel room bed?

Was there even the tiniest chance that it felt empty to her as well?

That she would rather have Lisa beside her?

Lisa felt the strongest urge to text her. But she resisted nevertheless. Jennie had to recover, she had to sleep. They had two more concerts coming up in Australia before they would fly to Los Angeles and begin their USA tour. 


Author: Hi there!  I've noticed that there are quite a few people reading my story by now and I couldn't be happier about it. So, I thought I'd say a quick hello :) After reading tons and tons of JenLisa stories in this freaking lockdown, this is my first time writing one myself. Please forgive me for grammatical or spelling errors if you see any... English is not my native language^^ I'm actually from the south of Germany :) Want to tell me where you guys are from? I'm curious ;)

I would love to interact with you through the comments if you have the time. 

Oh, also, concerning the story: I know that Australia was actually the end of their world tour but i gave myself creative freedom by pretending it was just the beginning! 

This is Jenlisa slow burn and there will be lots of heartwarming fluff but there will eventually be one or more M-rated chapters, if that's what you guy are looking for^^

Ok, bye for now fellow blinks! 

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