Sex & Talking (M)

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Lisa was still in a daze but managed to pull Jennie in again to kiss her sloppily. The brunette pressed her body against Lisa's. They were lying on their sides now, facing each other. Lisa's knee pushed in between Jennie's thighs and the smaller girl slightly moaned at the friction she was getting. 

"Lisa, this is... I've never felt like this... I want you again."

Lisa loved that Jennie was so vocal about her wishes and desires. She had read that communicating during sex only made it better.

"I want you too Baby. You are amazing." Lisa told her between kisses. She sat up slowly and scooted backwards until her back hit the bed's headboard taking Jennie with her by her hips. "Come with me Jen." she guided her girlfriend to sit down on top of herself, their soaking cores meeting. Lisa pulled one leg out from under Jennie and threw it over the brunette's thigh so her legs also opened up for her. 

They both gasped at the new feeling, looking into each other's eyes. Lisa couldn't think straight, Jennie was so god damn hot. Her long dark hair cascading down over her left breast, the nipple peaking through slightly, looking down at her with heavy bedroom eyes. Lisa had always thought that Jennie was sexy but this was downright killing her. 

Jennie began moving her hips experimentally, rocking into Lisa.

"Oh!" she exclaimed at the sudden rush of pleasure. 

Lisa's hands were moving up and down Jennie's body. Touching and teasing and grabbing wherever she felt like it. 

Jennie kept rocking into her at a steady pace, breathy moans escaping her lips. Lisa moaned too, feeling the sweet pressure against her clit. She pulled Jennie closer, one arm on her back, the other one on her butt. 

"I need you." Lisa told her in a raspy low voice and attached her lips to Jennie's jaw.

Jennie's head bent down more to catch Lisa's lips with her own, molding them into an openmouthed breathy kiss. 

"Lisa, this feels... amazing... Oh!"

Her rocking increased in speed and pressure. 

"Baby... yes... just like that..." Lisa moaned and let her head fall back against the board with a thud, keeping her eyes open to watch Jennie's generous breasts bounce up and down in front of her. So sexy. One of her hands flew up to cup one of her mounds and brush her thumb across the stiff nipple. 

Jennie moaned her name "Lisa!" and arched her back in a beautiful curve to press her upper body into Lisa's more. Jennie's lips were at Lisa's ear now. 

"Lisa I'm so close, please cum with me!" 

Her words went straight down to Lisa's core burning like white hot fire and she moaned breathily. She had never been so wet and turned on in her entire life.

"Baby, you feel so good against me." Lisa breathed.

Their cores were pressed together tightly, stimulating each other's clit with every move. It was such an intimate position, hearing Jennie's needy moans right next to her ear and feeling her whole body move and tremble. 


"Please make me cum, Babygirl!"

A couple more rocks. 

"Oh my god!" and Jennie fell over the edge, throwing her head back and letting out loud gasps. She kept rocking hard. Watching Jennie loose herself and the intense pressure between them was enough for Lisa to follow her.

"Fuck!... Baby... oh fuck..."

Her heart was beating like crazy and the butterflies were all high as a kite. This was even more intense than the first time. Jennie came down first and let Lisa ride out every last wave of pleasure before she slowed down and fell into Lisa's sweaty body. 

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