첫키스 (cheot-khi-seu)

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Author: You are gonna love me after this^^ Have fun! xoxo


Their US Tour was almost over and they were currently in Atlanta, really enjoying their time here but they were also so excited to go to Europe soon. 

After her girl talk with Rosé two weeks ago, Lisa tried to tone down the public flirting with Jennie a little. She was too scared of Rosé connecting the dots. Instead, she now did it more privately. During stolen moments she had alone with Jennie. It also felt way more intimate now. A back hug with Lisa nuzzling her nose into Jennie's hair, making the smaller girl giggle cutely. A kiss on the back of Jennie's hand, lips lingering longer than they should. An air kiss while holding on to Jennie's chocolate cat eyes.

They would stay in Atlanta for five days, meaning they had time to see the city and most importantly, they could get really comfortable in their hotel rooms. Actually unpacking their clothes and filling their mini-fridges with American sweets and fuzzy sugar drinks. 

They had spent the day visiting the Atlanta Aquarium. Naturally. Because they couldn't resist a good Aquarium. Lisa had been a tiny bit disappointed though because this time, Jennie had not been her Aquarium buddy. Before they could even reach for each other, they had each been snatched up by Jisoo and Rosé respectively. Rosé had claimed Lisa happily and had pulled her away to look at as many pretty fishies as they could. 

In the evening they went to get a first look at the concert hall where they would be performing in a couple of days. They did a quick soundcheck and sang "Really" while swaying around to the music. It was Jisoo's turn to sing. She walked forward and out to the extending stage, Rosé was following her. Lisa didn't feel like walking out there, so she just stayed put where she was. She saw Jennie coming over to join her and extended her arm out to wrap around Jennie's shoulder as soon as she was close enough.

She felt Jennie's hand swiftly slide something into the backpocket of Lisa's Jeans. The Thai girl looked down at Jennie with a silent question in her eyes. Jennie responded by cuddling close to Lisa briefly before letting go again, following behind Rosé and Jisoo. To anyone who might have been watching, it simply looked like an affectionate interaction between friends, but to Lisa it felt like so much more.

Whatever it was that Jennie had deposited in Lisa's pocket, she didn't dare to look at it as long as she wasn't alone. She was so intrigued though. 

Before they left the venue Lisa excused herself to quickly use the restroom. At least that was her pretext. She went in and locked herself in one of the stalls. Reaching into her back pocket, she pulled out a little black card. It was a hotel room key card. It was Jennie's key card. Lisa thought back to the moment Jennie had slipped her the card. She had been so sweet and soft. Her touch, her eyes, the little cuddle she had given her. The butterflies in Lisa's stomach were going crazy and she smiled happily to herself while hiding the card away in her small handbag. 

Jennie had really gotten a second key card from the reception to give to her. The meaning of it was clear as day. It was an open invitation and a way to make it easier for them to spend the nights together. They had been spending every second night or so together in the recent weeks. They didn't need to make up any excuses anymore. It was their silent agreement. 

When Lisa came out of the bathroom, the other three were waiting for her. She found Jennie's eyes and sent her a small smile. The pretty brunette smiled back and Lisa could see a hint of a blush on her cute cheeks. 

They haven't even done anything out of the ordinary and yet here they were, sneaking around with each other behind their friend's backs. Lisa had read a little bit about the psychology in different relationships on the nights that she didn't spend with Jennie. And she was pretty sure, that what they had right now could be called something along the lines of an emotional affair. 

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