Date in London (slightly M)

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Lisa was waiting for Jennie downstairs where their driver aka bodyguard was picking them up. She had managed to convince her manager that they could go on their own, without the bodyguard following them everywhere, as long as they were a little bit disguised. Meaning baseball caps, sunglasses and hoodies. However she gave the OK for her bodyguard to track her phone via GPS and she was to call him immediately in case they needed him. He was saved under speed dial One. Being famous wasn't easy. 

But Lisa was nevertheless looking very much forward to spending an afternoon like every other normal young adult. Going on a date with the girl she liked.

Jennie came skipping towards her in tight black jeans and a yellow hoodie, wearing her Chanel baseball cap with her long mermaid-like hair spilling out at the sides. She also wore some sunglasses. She looked so effortlessly beautiful, it threw Lisa off her game every time.

"Hey!" she smiled at the Thai and pressed a light kiss on her cheek. That was the only downside of them going out together in public. They had to keep the PDA at a friendly level. No spontaneous kisses on the street. Cheeks were ok though, friends did that sometimes they figured. 

"Hi Nini!" Lisa greeted back smiling. "Nice hoodie!" she commented looking Jennie up and down. 

"Picked it just for you!" the brunette snickered. It was in fact Lisa's hoodie that Jennie had stolen to sleep in sometimes. Plus, it was Lisa's favourite colour. 

"Thief!" the Thai girl nudged her gently, smirking at the Jennie.

"Oh, there he is!" Lisa said looking over Jennie's head as a black van arrived and she recognized one of their bodyguards driving it. 

They got in the car and their trusted bodyguard drove off. He knew where he was supposed to go. Lisa told him beforehand. In the privacy of the car, Jennie reached for Lisa's hand and placed in in her lap. They made a little small talk while driving. They couldn't actually talk freely because they weren't alone but they couldn't just sit in silence either because their bodyguard knew them and would probably find that extremely weird.

They arrived at Covent Garden and Jennie's eyes flashed in recognition. "Oooohhh, I've read about this place!" she smiled happily. Their bodyguard told them where he would park the car and that he would stay there the entire time. They tested out the speed dial once. It worked just fine. 

They were free to go. Giddy was an understatement for their current mood. Lisa grabbed Jennie's hand and pulled her towards the entrance. This was so cool! There were so many shops and food stalls and Cafes and the atmosphere was so very british and completely new to them. It was amazing. 

"Thanks Lili, this was a great idea!" Jennie marveled and pressed another quick kiss on Lisa's cheek. Lisa smiled down at her. 

"Should we just walk through a little bit to check it out?" Lisa asked.

"Yes!" Jennie nodded vigorously and instantly pulled on Lisa's hand to make her move.

They wandered through the old market hall. Jennie bought some good old English breakfast tea in a really nice gift box for her Mom in a little tea shop. She had a lively conversation with the elderly lady who owned it when she had asked for help on which tea to get. Jennie had pulled Lisa along on her hand through the shop while sniffing different teas and when they left, the woman told them what a pretty couple they were and waved them goodbye.

"She was cute!" Jennie smiled nuzzling her nose briefly into Lisa's shoulder to hide her blush.

"You are cute." Lisa responded very quietly so only Jennie could hear and took the little shopping bag out of her hand. 

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