Bathroom stories

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Jennie heard a timid knock on her hotel room door and simultaneously received a text from Lisa, saying she was here. Just so Jennie knew it wasn't some creep at her door. It was kind of bad timing because she was still suffering through the second wave of nausea this night. Nevertheless she slowly crept out of bed and went to open the door for her friend. She knew Lisa's presence was going to make her feel better instantly... at least emotionally. 

And it did. The moment Jennie opened the door, Lisa swiftly but carefully wrapped her in a loving hug. One hand on Jennies back, the other at the back of her head, pulling her closer. "I was so worried about you Jen!" Lisa kissed the top of Jennies head.

Jennie inhaled sharply as the nausea hit again. She couldn't even enjoy Lisas closeness and her strong arms around her "Lili, I'm feeling really nauseous. I need to lie down again..." the black haired beauty whispered faintly next to Lisas ear. 

"Oh god, sorry, yeah, come on, I'll take you" Lisa closed the door with a push of her foot behind her and put her arms around Jennie holding one of her hands to guide her back to the bed. Jennie was really weak on her feet and she was so pale, Lisa noticed. 

"Have you eaten?" she asked her. Jennie crawled back to bed with Lisas help und got under the covers. She didn't lie down though, she sat up against the headboard, grabbing her stuffed bear plushie. "Are you joking? I can't even think about... food right now..." 

Lisa went to sit down on the bed next to her on top of the covers. "Can I get you anything that'll help with the nausea?" Jennie shook her head looking back at Lisas earnest eyes. "They've already given me something, but I don't think it's helping..."

Lisa felt so helpless, seeing Jennie like this. She would take all the nausea and the pain away from her instantly if she only could. 

"Are you mad at me... are the others mad at me... for being so... weak?" Jennie chocked out suddenly. Lisas heart broke for the beautiful Unnie. She closed the small distance between them and opened her arms for Jennie to sink into. "No one is mad at you Nini! We were just worried. We still are..." Lisa trailed off, feeling Jennie shiver in her embrace.

"Lisa..." Jennie suddenly blindly grabbed one of Lisas hands clumsily and squeezed hard. "Lisa... I feel really really sick.... like so sick... I might..." Jennie's body convulsed and she dropped Lisas hand and dashed towards the bathroom. 

Before Lisa could even follow, she heard the unmistakable noises. She felt so incredibly bad for Jennie. Being the loyal friend that she was, Lisa silently went into the bathroom and sat down on the floor next to Jennie and the toilet. She gathered Jennies long hair out of the way and began to braid it all the way down. Once she was done, she secured it with one of her own hair ties, that she kept around her wrist. Jennie wasn't done yet, so Lisa proceeded to stroke her back soothingly. 

By now Jennie was crying and throwing up at the same time. "Oh god Lisa... I feel so bad" she choked out. "I really whish I could make it stop babygirl... but I can't..." Lisa was also on the verge of crying. She didn't even feel embarrased about the suggestive nickname, that had unconsiously slipped out of her mouth. 

"If you need a doctor, you'll tell me right?" the Thai girl shakily asked.

"I just... need you..." Jennie told her a little breathless. 

The butterflies in Lisas stomach were doing backflips.

"I'm here." she reassured her with a very soft voice, never stopping her hand from gently moving all over Jennies back as she once again hugged the toilet tightly.

Lisa had no idea how long they were sitting on the bathroom floor like this. Thank god it was a really nice hotel with a really nice bathroom. They even had floor heating, so it wasn't even cold sitting like this. Jennie kept throwing up and crying in between catching her breath. Lisa would continuously whisper sweet nothings in her ear, trying to soothe her through it all. 

"It's ok Nini... I know it's bad right now, but you'll feel better tomorrow...."

"I'm here... I'm not going anywhere..."

"It's gonna be ok Jendeukie..."

Once there was nothing left to come out of Jennie, she indeed felt slightly better. At least the nausea was gone. She took a deep breath and slowly released it. Now she really felt how close Lisa had stayed beside her through all of it, not even wavering once. She got her thoughts together. She needed to wash her face and definitely brush her teeth and get changed into new clothes and then she needed to go to sleep. Because tomorrow at noon they were supposed to take a long haul flight straight to Melbourne. 

She still felt shaky though and the thought of sleeping alone in an unfamiliar hotel room didn't feel good at all right now. She felt so stupid for asking, but she couldn't help herself. There was really no point in putting up a strong front now... Lisa had seen everything. Crying, vomiting, more crying. 

"Lisayah...? Can you... can you maybe... stay with me tonight?" she asked without looking at Lisa. "...sorry for being such a baby tonight, but... I ...really don't want to be all alone..." she trailed off, her voice becoming fainter.

Lisa steadied Jennies arm and took her hand to help her up. "And who said that I was going to leave you alone like that?! Of course I'll stay..." she voiced out softly. She had brought Jennie over to the big sinks. The cat eyed beauty steadied herself on the counter tops and shot a look in the mirror. "Oh god..." she huffed, checking out her appearance.

"I guess I'll clean myself..." she shot Lisa a shy look through the mirrors reflection "there's one of your black Metallica tshirts in my suitcase you can sleep in..."

Lisa smirked "You little thief!" and went out of the bathroom, so Jennie could have some privacy. 

While looking for her shirt in Jennies things, her mind wandered. She would have never thought that the night would end with her soothing Jennie on the bathroom floor. It was to be taken seriously when Jennie overworked herself and her body to this point of physical exhaustion. She made a promise to herself to take care of the older one until she felt better and she was going to make sure that it wouldn't happen again. 

The other thought that was haunting her mind was that she was going to spend the night with Jennie... in the same bed. Of course they had been roommates before. And sure, they have cuddled on a bed before while watching movies. And they might have fallen asleep on the sofa together binge watching Netflix. But they have never shared a bed the whole night through. The thought alone felt so intimate to Lisa.  

The butterflies weren't helping. 

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