The Talk

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Lisa made her way through the crowd, keeping an eye out for a certain angry and possibly drunk brunette. She had never witnessed Jennie having three drinks in a row and she wasn't exactly sure whether Jennie ate well at dinner or not. She hadn't been paying attention. Why hadn't she been paying attention??? Oh, yeah... because Jennie was being the ice queen, ignoring her and Lisa had thought it would be best to give her some space. Which, apparently, was the wrong move.

Lisa found the bar and looked around for the familiar set of hair amongst the crowd. Jennie was nowhere to be seen. Just at that moment, the stupid handsome waiter who was serving them before entered the bar area. Lisa stopped him. 

"Hey, excuse me!"

He turned his head towards her while drinking from a water bottle. "Yes, Senorita?"

"Have you seen my friend? The brunette girl with the cat eyes who you brought three Margaritas to earlier?" Lisa looked at him with hopeful eyes.

He shook his head though. "No, sorry! I haven't seen her."

Lisa threw her head back in frustration. Where could she have gone? Maybe she left. Maybe she went back to her room.

"Cat eyes you say?" a female voice disturbed Lisa's thoughts. She turned around towards it. It was a really pretty bartender and Lisa was taken aback for a second. Her name tag said 'Nicki'. She couldn't be much older than Lisa.

"Yes, cat eyes! Have you seen her?" Lisa leaned herself over the bar a little to be able to hear Nicki better.

The dark haired girl smirked a little. "She was here." She nodded towards the empty Margarita glass on the counter. Lisa's eyes went wide.

"She talked to me very briefly." Nicki told her while pouring liquor into a glass with precision. 

"What did she say? Do you know where she went?" Lisa pressed, staring at the bartender intensely.

Nicki squeezed a lime in her fingers, let it fall into the glass and met Lisa's eyes. "She was upset, I could see. So I asked her about it." Lisa had mixed feelings about this gorgeous bartender talking to Jennie, but she kept listening. 

"She said that the girl she is in love with was flirting with other people right in front of her and that she had to get away." Nicki lifted an eyebrow at Lisa. "Are you that girl?"

"I'm afraid I am..."

Lisa was staring at Nicki. Her words had made her head swim and the butterflies were going bonkers suddenly. 'The girl she is in love with' 

In love.

Jennie was in love with her. 

And she was jealous and upset and alone somewhere. 


"but, I didn't flirt with..." Lisa was about to defend herself when she realized that she didn't have to do that. Nicki was a stranger after all. 

"... never mind. Do you know where she went?"

Nicki's eyes were full of sympathy now. "I told her that a walk on the beach always clears my head, so it might do the trick for her too..."

Lisa smiled and nodded. "Thank you Nicki!"

"No problem, just get your pretty girl back!"

Lisa turned away from the bar and dashed towards the exit. The elevator doors opened right when she came to a slithering halt before them. A group of people came out talking excitedly amongst themselves in spanish. As soon as the elevator was free, she dashed inside and pressed the button for the lobby about a thousand times.

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