Skinny dipping (M)

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Jennie had been teasing Lisa with small touches and gestures for the whole remaining day. Lisa thought it was her way of taking revenge on her for turning her down earlier in the pool. And it was working. Lisa dropped her fork twice at dinner just because Jennie wouldn't stop sliding her foot up Lisa's leg, sitting across from her. She even managed to push her toe up against Lisa's center once making Lisa cross her legs immediately.

After saying goodnight to Jisoo and Rosé, they walked into their bedroom together. Jennie went in first and Lisa closed the door behind them. As soon as they were alone, Lisa almost attacked the brunette girl who had the biggest, dirtiest smirk on her face that Lisa ever saw. 

"You little tease, what the fuck did you think you were doing?" Lisa pushed her down onto the bed and getting on top of her, kissing her neck. 

"Just wanted to get you a little excited..." Jennie answered breathily while Lisa made herself comfortable on top of her. She angled her neck so the Thai girl would have easier access. 

"It's been a while..." Jennie added, referring to their temporary dry spell bedroom wise. First there had been the fight with Rosé and then the jetlag and then they were so busy filming their vacation diaries that they fell into bed at night completely exhausted from all the activities.

"I know..." Lisa husked as she pressed her knee up into Jennie's center. "but we have all this time now to make up for it." and she sat up a little straighter to rid herself of her Tshirt. The bra went flying right after it. Jennie did the same in her lying position and Lisa bent down to take off her girlfriend's skirt including her underwear. Every piece of clothing left on Lisa was also discarded quickly and Lisa did not waste any time going down on Jennie. 

She got the smaller brunette moaning and squirming under her pretty quickly. Lisa had learned a trick or two and knew exactly what got Jennie going. She licked at her girlfriend's center like it was icecream making Jennie tremble. 

"Lisa!" she moaned out her name breathily and Lisa knew she was close. She had no intention of making Jennie wait any longer. Her mouth went up to her clit replacing her fingers that had been rubbing her to suck on it. Jennie's hand shot down and tangled itself in Lisa's golden locks, pressing her more into her opening. 

"Oh damn...Lisa.."

Lisa smiled at that, beginning to suck harder, reaching a hand up to Jennie's breast, flicking her nipple. 

"Cum on my mouth Jen." Lisa commanded before diving back in, feeling Jennie's legs shaking at Lisa's dirty words. She sucked even harder. Her whole mouth was on Jennie. 

"Oh fuck... Lisa, fuck! Oh my god!" Jennie let out loud moans of pure pleasure enjoying an intense orgasm. It was Lisa's favourite kind of music. She continued to lick Jennie through it until her body calmed down and her breathing became more even again. 

Jennie pulled Lisa up by her arms and Lisa wiped her mouth before she laid her head down on Jennie's chest. 

"What do you want Lisayah, I'll do anything." the brunette promised her Thai girlfriend with hazy eyes, still a little high from the pleasure Lisa gave her. She pulled Lisa up so they were eye to eye. Jennie leaned up to wrap Lisa's lips in a sensual kiss while her hands massaged one of her breasts. Lisa gasped but she had a different idea. She separated her mouth from Jennie's.

"Baby, I kinda... bought something. And... I'd love it if we could try?" she met her eyes, blushing profusely.

Jennie's eyes were sparkling dangerously sinful. "What did you buy my Love?"

Lisa pushed herself off of Jennie and went to her suitcase where she had hid it so Jennie wouldn't accidentally find it. She brought the small box back to the bed and tore it open. Jennie sat up and looked at it curiously. It was a flexible two-way vibrator made of pink silicone. 

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