Step by Step (M)

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Author: hot one coming in! Happy weekend!

The adjoining doors of the Berlin hotel suites, really posed a threat to Jennie and Lisa's much needed privacy. Ever since that first night where Rosé had unknowingly walked in on them, they hadn't dared to stay together again. They tried to spend the evenings together but slept in their own rooms. Neither of them wanted to explain to their respective best friends why they always locked the door on them. 

On the third and last night in Berlin after their concert, Jennie called Lisa's phone.

Lisa: "Hi Kitten, what's up?"

Jennie: "Are you alone?"

Lisa: "Would I call you kitten if I wasn't? 

Jennie: "Right... So, do you... maybe want to... go on a spontaneous date with me tonight?"

Lisa: "Tonight? Sure! What's your plan?"

Jennie: "The hotel has... these private spa rooms... with a whirlpool...and stuff... you can book them for an hour or two... they're completely private! No one coming in, no cameras... you know since our rooms aren't really private at the moment... and... I miss you..."

Lisa: "I miss you too kitten! Tell me when to be there."

Jennie: "In half an hour? Is that ok?"

Lisa: "I'll be there. What do I need to bring?"

Jennie: "They provide towels, so just bring your swimsuit."

Lisa: "I'll meet you there."

Jennie: "Ok, bye Lili"

Lisa: "Bye"


Half an hour later Lisa was at the front desk at the Hotel Spa where her beautiful date was already waiting for her. 

"Hey!" Lisa greeted her smiling but not daring to touch her because the girl behind the counter was looking at them. 

"Hi" Jennie smiled back.

"Ok, if you're ready ladies." the girl motioned them to follow her down the hall. She led them into a cosy decorated spa room. 

It had a big whirlpool that was currently being filled with water. A small sauna. It had a changing room and a private bathroom. And in one corner was a really comfy looking outdoor bed. A flatscreen TV on the wall and a smaller I-pad screen imbedded into the tiles with which they could control the light settings, the music and to Lisa's blissful surprise, they could even order food if they wanted. They could have it delivered through a hatch in the wall that could be opened and closed on both sides so no one would have to enter the room. Utter and complete privacy. 

The girl quickly explained to them how everything worked and then left them alone. 

"This is soooo cool!" Jennie locked the door from inside and then went around the room checking out the water temperature of the whirlpool with her hand.

"So, how long do we have this for?" Lisa asked while walking over to the I-pad screen to change a few settings. 

"Two hours, but she told me earlier that we can expand our stay on the there too if we wanted." she nodded to the screen Lisa was standing in front of. 

"Nice." the Thai nodded. She had managed to put on some pop music in a low volume and turned the lights of the room to a soft purple. It looked relaxing she thought. When she turned around again facing the room, Jennie was right in front of her. The smaller girl put her arms around Lisa. 

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