Hawaii sunsets

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Lisa walked into their beach front villa first, pulling both hers and Jennie's suitcases behind her. Jennie was beyond tired from the long flight and their layover in Los Angeles but they had finally arrived. 

Rosé had stopped ignoring Lisa but wasn't really back to her old self either. They still had to have a real talk. 

"Waaahhh!" Jisoo marveled when they stepped into the big living room. It had a huge window front looking out at the beach. The sun was about to go down over the pacific ocean. It was absolutely beautiful. 

"Let's check out the rooms!" Jennie squealed excitedly and grabbed Lisa's hand to pull her along. Apparently Lisa's brunette girlfriend was only conveniently tired when it came to pulling suitcases. Jennie rushed up the big white stairs with Jisoo and Rosé following them closely. Each one wanting to score the most beautiful room. They left their luggage downstairs for now. Jennie let go of Lisa's hand and rushed from room to room to check them all out. The other two were doing the same while Lisa's only worry was following Jennie. 

"Nini, calm down, you look like a humming bird!" Lisa laughed as Jennie skipped past her into the next room. 

"Lili, which room do you want? You have to look at them!" she heard Jennie's voice and followed her into a spacious bedroom, decorated in white and black.

"I'm happy with whatever you want. You pick." Lisa offered, knowing it would make Jennie happy. 

"Whipped!" Jisoo cackled as she entered the room as well. Lisa stuck her tongue out at the oldest girl in response.

"I think I want this one!" Jennie smiled brightly. "It's so classy!" she marveled, running her fingers along the thick white curtains. 

"I'll get our suitcases then." Lisa nodded. Jennie blew her a kiss. 

"Our suitcases? You're gonna share a room?" Jisoo asked a bit taken aback. Lisa turned herself around quickly to flee from the situation. 

"Yes Unnie, couples usually share rooms." Jennie said in a matter of fact voice. 

"Oh god, you're gonna... do stuff... aren't you? Have you already...? Wait, no! I don't want to know...! but... have you...?" Lisa heard Jisoo's panicked voice and her girlfriend's bell-like laugh. 

Downstairs in the living room where they had left their luggage, Lisa met Rosé. Seemingly doing the same as Lisa. 

"Have you picked a room?" Lisa asked watching her friend pick up her suitcase and her hand luggage. 

"Yeah, the first one on the left..." Rosé answered her cautiously.

"The one with the tropical flower theme, right?"

"Yeah, it's really pretty." the blonde answered, nodding. 

"We've got the last one on the right." Lisa told her without thinking and could smack herself instantly at her best friend's raised eyebrows at the word 'we'. Rosé caught herself quickly though. 

"I thought that Jennie might like that one. It's so classy." she nodded with her eyes on the ground as she lifted her suitcase to go up the stairs. Lisa stopped her with a hand on her wrist.

"Rosie can we talk as soon as were done settling in? We could... take a walk on the beach...?" Lisa suggested, looking at her best friend with hopeful eyes. 

The Australian girl looked back at Lisa and nodded slowly. "Ok."

"Ok." Lisa confirmed. 


When Lisa entered the room that Jennie had picked for them, her girlfriend was lying on the bed like a cute little starfish. Her arms and legs spread out and her eyes closed. She opened them though when she heard Lisa come in. 

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