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Author: I know this chapter is short, but it's cute and it's better than making you guys wait even longer for a new chapter^^ And I might do a couple more chapters than I originally planned :) 

"So... we're all good again then?" Jisoo asked looking at each one of her members. After their dinner, they went over to the living room area. Rosé sat down on the floor and Jisoo was on one of the big white couches. Lisa made herself comfortable on an expensive looking armchair and pulled Jennie into her lap. The korean girl blushed a bit at Lisa's unapologetic display of affection.

"Yes, all good!" Rosé confirmed, smiling slightly at the cuddling couple. 

Jennie sat up a bit straighter and cleared her throat. "Uhm... I have something to ask of you guys...."

"And what's that?" Jisoo nodded at her.

"Please, always be honest with us. Tell us when we're being ... I don't know... too much... or anything. Please just talk to us even if it makes you or possibly us uncomfortable..." Jennie's eyes went from Jisoo to Rosé and back again. 

"And we're also going to be honest about what's going on between us... you know... and we'll always be professional no matter what!" the brunette finished with a look over her shoulder at Lisa, who squeezed Jennie's waist lovingly as an answer. 

"Deal." Jisoo said. Rosé just nodded. 

"But speaking of being professional!" Jisoo directed at Jennie and Lisa. "Am I assuming correctly that we'll be keeping JenLisa a secret from the company?"

"JenLisa!?" both of them chuckled at the same time. 

"Yeah!" Jisoo snickered. "That's what I'm gonna call you guys since you're a package deal now! Back to my question!" she said demandingly. 

Lisa snickered at Jisoo's sillyness and pressed her face into the back of Jennie's neck, effectively forcing her girlfriend to answer the older girl's original question. 

"We can't risk telling anyone else besides you two, right now..." Jennie trailed off.

Jisoo quickly reassured her "It goes without saying that we'll protect your secret Jendeukie! I just wanted to check."

Jennie nodded at her friend, smiling softly.

Rosé cleared her throat a little awkwardly. "I also have a small request, if that's ok..."

"Sure Chaeng!" this time it was Lisa who answered her friend.

"Ok... uhm... sorry to ask this, but... please don't ever make us accidentally walk in you... doing... whatever..." she shot a look at Lisa who flushed deeply at her friend's words. "You know... lock your doors and stuff..." Rosé looked just as embarrassed as Lisa.

Jennie laughed slightly blushing herself. "Don't worry Chaeyoungie, we can control ourselves." 

Lisa laughed out loud at that and leaned in to whisper in Jennie's ear. "Can you though?"

"Eeewww, Manofoot, I heard that! You need to work on you whispering skills!" Jisoo pulled a disgusted face and theatrically covered her ears with her hands. 

Jennie slapped Lisa's arm slightly for that cheeky comment "Lisa!"

"What did she say?" Rosé looked confused because she didn't hear Lisa's whispered words.

"No way I'm repeating that!" Jisoo scoffed and stuck her tongue out, pretending to vomit. 


Later at night when Lisa and Jennie lay in bed, bodies entangled with each other, Lisa nudged her girlfriend gently.

"Kitten, are you still awake?"

"Barely... I'm so jetlagged Lili..." came Jennie's weak response against Lisa's chest.

"Me too... but..."

"There's something on your mind, isn't there? Tell me, my Love." Jennie coaxed and placed a soft kiss to Lisa's exposed collarbone without lifting her head.

"You know me so well..." Lisa tightened her hold around Jennie to emphasize the affection in her words. Jennie only hummed contently.

"When Jisoo asked whether they would be the only ones to know about us for now, I was kind of thinking about... maybe... only if you're ok with it though..." Lisa trailed off, feeling shy all of a sudden. She didn't really know why.

"Spill it Babe!" Jennie demanded and lifted her chin up to kiss Lisa's jaw. 

"I was thinking about telling our parents..." Lisa breathed out, not knowing how Jennie would react. Lisa hadn't really come out to her parents yet, but she had a feeling they would be OK with it. Both her parents were very open-minded people. And they lived in Thailand, where LGBTQ relationships or even intersex people weren't considered as something so out of the ordinary as it was in Korea. Lisa didn't know about Jennie's mother though. She had travelled a lot with Jennie when the girl was younger but she was korean after all and might not warm up to the idea of her only daughter being in a romantic relationship with another girl. 

"Should be easy with your parents... I think they kind of already know..." Jennie mused, snuggling even closer to Lisa if that was possible. 

"What do you mean? They don't!" Lisa snapped a bit taken aback.

"I don't mean they know about us, because I know they don't! But... I think they might know about you... " Jennie explained to Lisa in a soft tone, trailing her fingers softly over Lisa's skin to soothe her. 

"You think they know I'm gay?"

"I think... they might have an idea... that's why I don't think they will react in a bad way... and I would be really happy to tell your parents if that's what you want, Lili!" she left another kiss on Lisa's skin close to her shoulder now. 

"But I have absolutely no idea how my Mum will react..." the korean girl admitted thoughtfully.

"That's exactly what I thought..." Lisa lifted a hand to stroke Jennie's hair lovingly. "Do you think it would be ok if we told my parents first and see how it goes? You know they will never tell anyone if we tell them to keep it secret."

"Yeah... I'd be ok with that. I do want people to know about us... we just can't risk the whole world finding out yet. But close friends and family is a safe start."

"Thank you Kitten, for being so cool about this!" Lisa kissed her head. 

"I want us to have a real future Lili, and even if we can't tell everyone yet, I do want the people I trust most to know that I love you... and that you love me." Jennie told her and pushed herself up on her elbows slightly to be able to look at Lisa's face. 

"You know..." Lisa said, looking up at Jennie in the darkness and tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "I think I love you more and more each day... and I didn't think it was possible to love you even more than I already did..."

"Awwww!" Jennie cooed and leaned down to peck Lisa's lips once "You're so tired, you're becoming cheesy again Manoban!" she teased her girlfriend. 

"I'm always cheesy, do you not know me? Hello my name is Lalisa Manoban and I'm cheesy for my girlfriend." Lisa joked. Jennie let out an audible laugh. The Thai girl pulled Jennie down by her neck and engaged her in a soft make out session. Neither of them tried for something more tonight, because the jetlag was really hitting them hard and they had to be fit and energized for filming their Summer Diaries Vlogs during the next couple of days. 

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