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Author: Hi there! Long one ahead, with a loooooot of nice JenLisa moments. They are getting closer! You're welcome ;)


The next morning, two phones buzzed at the same time. Lisa opened her eyes lazily. She lay on her side but she felt a soft weight pressing into her back. Jennie was curled into a ball, her head was pressed into Lisa's upper back while one of her knees pressed into her lower back, almost touching her butt.

It was weird how Lisa had felt awkward about spending the night in Jennie's bed back in Macao however now it felt like the most natural thing in the world to her. The question was, did Jennie feel the same? The way the small brunette cuddled into her did kind of imply that she did.  Romantic or platonic, it didn't matter at this point. Lisa was at least sure that the korean girl did also feel very comfortable with being like this with her. And that thought alone made her heart skip a beat happily.

She extended her long arms out to reach for her phone on the nightstand without disturbing Jennie. However she didn't succeed without moving an inch or two away from Jennie's warmth. The latter grumpled cutely when Lisa's back moved forward, no longer supporting her head. Lisa grabbed her phone and inched right back, letting Jennie reposition herself. 

She read the text that she and Jennie had gotten simultaneously.

Chae: Come to my room when ur up, I want to watch our appearance at the James Corden thingie together with u guys!!! It aired last night on TV and we completely forgot to watch... :(

Lisa felt Jennie's warmth pressing more into her back than before and she realized Jennie's face was next to her head, her mouth at Lisa's ear while reading Rosé's text over Lisa's shoulder. 

"Riiiiight... we should watch that, that was a fun show." Jennie said. Her breath going right past Lisa's ear and she shivered. Her mind was going a little crazy this morning and she wanted nothing more than to have Jennie's lips pressed tightly to her ear whispering things to her. She tried to shake the fantasy off by forcing a laugh out at Jennie and asking. "Did you really have fun being scared by fruit blowing up in your face? I didn't think you enjoyed that..."

"Well I don't like being scared out of nowhere... at least I knew what was coming! And it was kind of fun" the korean girl shrugged while shifting onto her back, making Lisa loose the physical contact between them. 

"So, you wanna go to Chaeng's?" the younger girl asked, stretching her body out on the bed with a yawn, eyeing Jennie who had sat up next to her now.

"Jup, let's go." she smiled down at Lisa. "I wanna see your scaredy-cat face!" she giggled cutely.

"You're the scaredy cat!" the Thai replied cheekily and took Jennie's outstretched hand to let herself be pulled up by her. 

They went to the door together but then Lisa had a flash thought. What if they met Jisoo on the hallway. What if she saw them coming out of the hotel room together. What if anyone saw them coming out of the room together... in the morning... in their sleep wear. Jisoo already knew about the first two nights they had spent together, she didn't have to know about this one. So Lisa made up a quick excuse.

"Ah, Nini, I have to get my glasses out of my room or I won't see anything....I'll meet you there!" She faintly heard Jennie reply an OK but the adrenalin in her ears made a white noise preventing her from hearing anything more. She really didn't want to be busted again. She didn't want to explain anything. Hell... Jennie hadn't even asked for an explanation why Lisa had showed up at her room at night like a lost puppy. She had a feeling though that Jennie had simply understood without needing Lisa to say anything. And she was grateful for that.

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