Macao concert

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June 8th, 2019 – Macao concert

Jennie hadn't been feeling well the past few days. It had been very obvious during the fan event in Macao but she told everyone she'll be fit and ready in time for the concert.

But she wasn't.

She powered through until she couldn't take it anymore. At the end of As if it's your last, she quickly exited the stage. A staff member immediately reached his hand out to steady her.

Rosé, Jisoo and Lisa had seen Jennie flee down the stairs but finished the song nevertheless and went down the stage elevator to complete their very last outfit change. Once they were off the stage, they rushed into their changing room with their respective Quick Change buddies. That was the person assigned to each Blackpink member to help them change from one stage outfit to the next in a speedy manner.

„Where is Jennie?" Jisoo immediately asked the female staff members helping them change outfits with worry in her voice. Jennies Quick Change Buddy was nowhere to be seen.

„In the next room, they lied her down, she's feeling very sick." Mina, Lisas Quick Change Buddy, answered and nooded to the door on the opposite side of the hallway while handing the Thai girl her white Blackpink Tshirt.

„Don't worry, she's not alone." she added as she saw the worried looks on each of their faces.

„Can we see her quickly?" Rosé beat Lisa to the question she was too anxious to ask herself. She  looked at Mina hopefully, who was now fixing Lisas skirt.

The YG employee pressed her electronic in-ear further into her ear listening to somebody on the other end and nodded to herself. She looked up at Lisa, Jisoo and Rosé apologetically.

„The stage manager wants you to do „DuDuDuDu" without Jennie... give her a little breather. Maybe that's all she needs and she'll hopefully join you again for the last song!"

„But..." Lisa started to protest but was ushered out the door by her Mina Unnie.

Rosé, being the empath she was, appeared on Lisas side as they were rushing back to the stage elevators. „I'm sure she's gonna be ok! Don't worry Lisa." And she reached for the Thais hand and gave it a tight squeeze before letting go and stepping on her own little elevator thing.

They powered through „DuDuDuDu Remix" without Jennie. Jisoo even did Jennies Rap part extraordinarily well and was so out of breath that she almost couldn't sing her own part right after. But Lisa and Rosé cheered for their Unnie for being such a badass. All three of them were trying to be as playful and entertaining for their blinks as they would usually be. Rosé and Jisoo did a better job than Lisa though.

They went on to introduce and thank their live band. While Lisa and Rosé were dancing and running around like crazy little kids, Jisoo was pulled to the side of the stage talking to staff members.

She came back and went straight over to the hyped up Maknae line. The three Pinks on stage huddled together for a quick update.

„Apparently it's really bad, Jennie is not coming back out again..." Jisoo informed her members over the noise the Blinks were making.

„We can do this girls!" the Unnie of the group tried hard to be strong for the younger ones and not let the worry show on her face. She didn't have her professional poker face for nothing.

Lisa's stomach dropped at the information and she felt like she would also be sick any second now. She went off and instinctively took her frustration out on a Winnie the Pooh plushie that a fan had thrown on stage as a gift. She didn't know why she had done that and it didn't make her feel better either.

The crowd has long noticed that something was wrong and they were chanting Jennie's name repeatedly. Rose adressed the blinks.

„Okay uhm... so Jennie Unnie wanted us to uhm give you guys a quick notice. She says that uhm, she's not feeling very good right now... uhm, but she really wants to thank everybody for making it to the concert, uhm... she's ok guys......." She tried to lift the mood.

Lisa heard Rosé speak to the crowd, but she didn't actually listen to a single word she was saying. She felt empty without Jennie on stage. She was crazy worried for the Unnie she cared for more than she was willing to admit. What if Jennie had collapsed backstage? Lisa felt lightheaded because of all the bad thoughts running through her mind in record speed.

She reluctantly remembered though that she still had a job to do. So she put on the cool, calm, it's all gonna be okay Lisa smile. But it wasn't as easy as it normally was.

They resumed to sing their last song. Rosé found a plush bear, given to her by blinks, and used it as a Jennie replacement. It was a sweet gesture. She was handling this situation really well.

Lisa sang „Hope Not" as powerful as she could. It felt like they were singing for Jennie, who was hopefully watching backstage.  Towards the end of the song the Thai girls' mind solely rotated around the thought of being able to see Jennie once they exited the stage.

She walked towards the stage-elevator-thingie a lot faster than she normally would, way ahead of now-princess Rosé (she was wearing a tiara, gifted by a blink) and detective Pikachu Jichoo (because the hat^^).

Both of them knew how much Lisa cared for Jennie. They were a small group, they were living together. It was impossible not to pick up on the special closeness those two shared. At this point Lisa would usually be sad to leave the stage and would feel like she could keep on dancing and singing till morning, but tonight she was more than relieved to end the event. 

She couldn't get to Jennie fast enough.

To be continued real soon! 

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