Guilty (M)

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They were back in Korea and the month before their well-deserved vacation was absolutely packed with work. Interviews at just about every korean variety show about how their tour had been and promoting their Youtube Channel featuring the videos of their Tour Diaries. Photoshoots for various brands they worked with and Teddy had a couple new songs for them to record. They were working on their first full album and it was so exciting! 

The major downside to their busy work schedule was that Lisa and Jennie had a really hard time finding time for each other. Alone time was especially hard to come by. They were hardly ever alone in their dorm and it was so hard to sneak around with Jisoo and Rosé always there. They loved their friends but it was excrutiating to keep quiet at night when Jennie played Lisa's body like a freaking fiddle.

It was 2am at night and Jennie had her head between Lisa's thighs. 

"Jen, I need you so much!" the Thai girl whispered breathily. They had turned Lisa's TV on lowly in an attempt to cover up their hushed noises. 

"Baby... oh god... please" Jennie's tongue kept dipping into Lisa, her nose bumping against Lisa's clit with every move. 

"Baby, can you... can you please suck me" Lisa begged her girlfriend. She was close, she felt it but she needed Jennie's lips around her clit to finally get off.

Jennie obeyed without further ado closing her lips around her and sucking hard, reaching a hand up to pinch Lisa's nipple at the same time. Lisa reached her climax within seconds.

"Yes! Baby... fuck..."

Jennie sucked her through it and then climed back up Lisa's body to melt into her open arms. 

"I really needed that tonight..." Lisa sighed and kissed Jennie's forehead.

"Yeah... me too." Jennie replied closing her eyes. Lisa had gotten her off twice before she had returned the favour.

Lisa turned off the TV and they lied in each other's arms silently for a while. Just enjoying the glorious feeling of being so satisfied. 

"Jen...?" Lisa whispered into the darkness.


"I've been thinking about something..." 

"About what my Love?"

 "About... getting my own apartment..." the Thai girl held her breath a little waiting for Jennie's response. 

"Do you... want to move out of the dorm?" Jennie sounded confused and a little hurt.

"Well... not exactly, but... I thought it would be nice to have my own space with a bit more privacy... for us?" she hinted.

"Oh." Understanding clear in the brunette's voice.

"I wouldn't be... like... leaving you guys completely. I know that there are a couple apartments empty right here in this building and I was planning on asking the company if that was an acceptable option." Lisa explained.

"I see."

"I would be keeping my room here and... I could go back and forth. You could stay there with me, whenever we... need to be alone. What do you think?"

Jennie contemplated that for a while. "How long have you been thinking about this Lili?"

"Ever since we came back from Europe, to be honest. But I wanted to talk to you first before I acted."

"That's sweet my Love, I appreciate it!" Jennie kissed her neck. "I've got to tell you that I wouldn't have been particularly happy if you left us... for good, but... getting an apartment in the same building is the perfect compromise, I guess."

"Then I'm gonna do it." Lisa nodded to herself smiling and hugging Jennie closer. "It'll make things so much easier for us."

"Yeah..." Jennie sounded a bit absentminded, her voice low. 

"What's wrong Kitten?"

Jennie sighed quietly into Lisa's chest before taking a long breath. 

"I feel... I feel guilty... lately...for lying to Jisoo Unnie... For sneaking around behind her and Rosie's backs all the time..." Jennie's voice was sad now. 

"Baby..." Lisa pulled her to her chest more, stroking her hair. 

"She has repeatedly hinted that I could be open to her about anything... anything at all. She told me she doesn't judge and I always brushed her off..."

Lisa hummed at that, showing that she was listening. 

"and now she doesn't ask me to talk anymore. She just looks sad everytime I make up an excuse to come running to you."

"Do you think she suspects something?" Lisa asked, thinking about how Jisoo has stopped teasing them for their closeness, like she had done before. It was so unlike Jisoo. She thought that if Jisoo ever found out she would have no problem calling them out for it. 

"I think she does..." Jennie sighed. 

"What do you want to do?" Lisa asked tentatively. 

"Lili... I think it's time we tell them. Both of them..."

Lisa took a deep breath. Her hands were still gently sifting through Jennie's hair. 

"Look, I don't think we'll get a negative reaction for being... gay. You already came out to Rosie posie and she said it was cool and Jisoo... hinting at me that she doesn't judge, is... I don't know... is maybe a good sign?" Jennie voiced out her thoughts to Lisa. 

"We might get a negative reaction for hiding it for so long though..." Lisa replied quietly. She had to admit, she was kind of scared of Jisoo's reaction. 

"I know..." Jennie sighed. "And we have to make absolutely sure that they know that we are going to do our best not to let our relationship interfere with Blackpink's future!"

"Yep! Definitely." Lisa nodded. 

"So... are we gonna tell them?" Jennie asked. There was fear in her voice but also hope. She propped herself up on her elbows, looking at Lisa in the darkness.

The Thai let out a long breath. "Yes... we're telling them." 

Jennie kissed Lisa's jaw lovingly. "When?"

Lisa thought about it and an idea popped up in her mind. "We're going to Hawaii in a week, how about we tell them there? After the filming, when we've got time just for ourselves." she suggested. 

"Okay." Jennie agreed. She played a bit with Lisa's hair. "Are you scared?"

"Little bit scared of Jisoo..." Lisa told her and Jennie chuckled.  "and...nervous maybe... but not scared. What about you?"

"I'm so scared. But... this is worth it! You are worth it." Jennie bent down to kiss Lisa's lips. 

"Hmm..." Lisa hummed into her yummy lips. "so cheesy!"

It earned her a smack on the arm from Jennie but she laughed it off, pulling the brunette into her again. 

They were going to tell their members. In about a week's time. Lisa really hoped it wouldn't cause mayhem during their vacation. They needed to relax badly and not fight.

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