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─── a new plan

YOU ROUSED FROM YOUR slumber, a groan escaping your lips as you tried shaking the sleep from your brain

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YOU ROUSED FROM YOUR slumber, a groan escaping your lips as you tried shaking the sleep from your brain. Your mind was hazy, and your face felt hot from crying. You buried yourself in something warm, refusing to open your eyes as you felt sleep try to grab hold of you once more. Before you gave in, a thought prodded at your mind: when did you even fall asleep?

There was a moment of confusion before realization struck you, causing your heart to skip a beat. Your eyes fluttered open and you cocked your head slightly, your assumption was right—you had fallen asleep in Uldrens embrace. His arms had remained wrapped around you, resting gently on your back. Unmoving as he slept beneath you.

You pushed off his chest, letting your hands linger there. You gazed at him, blushing a deep red. A few strands of (h/c) hair fell to the front, framing your face as you looked down at Uldren, contemplating on what to do. His raven hair was messy, and you noticed the white markings on his pale complexion. You resisted the urge to trace a finger along his jaw, he was beyond attractive.

Uldren opened his eyes without warning, catching you staring down at him. His washed orange eyes were narrowed as sleep was prominent in his gaze. This set your cheeks ablaze, only adding to the embarrassment you felt. You were watching him while he slept—that did not look good on your part.

His lips lifted into a smirk, his eyes glinting. "Like what you see?"

"What—No!" Your voice faltered, as you pushed off him and stood from the couch; Uldren's arms slipped off your back. You turned away from him in a desperate attempt to hide the effect he has on you. In all honesty, you were worried he could hear your pounding heart.

Uldren adjusted himself so he was sitting rather than laying on the pale couch, letting out a low chuckle. "Whatever you say, (Y/n)."

You huffed and walked to the counter, grabbing yourself a glass of water. If you didn't keep yourself busy you'd lose your composure. As you raised the cup to your lips you stole a glance over your shoulder, meeting his lingering gaze. You could see the blatant amusement in his eyes.

"What are you looking at?" You snapped.

"Oh, nothing." Uldren stood from the couch and stretched. His black shirt lifted, flashing his toned stomach.

You turned back around as a swarm of butterflies invaded your gut. Heat radiated from your cheeks as you took a swig of water, trying to erase the image of his abs from your mind—which didn't help. Your cup gave off a small clink as you placed it on the marble counter, keeping your eyes averted.

The clock built on your stove shone, displaying 9:47 p.m. in bright white. You took a double-take. The last time you checked it was around seven o'clock, you've been out for that long? You didn't remember falling asleep, one minute you were crying in his arms, and the next you were out like a light. You felt the second-hand embarrassment of your little outburst; you couldn't believe you cried in front of Uldren. You'd even go as far as to say you sobbed.

"Sorry about crying earlier." You forced a laugh, turning to face him.

"Hey, don't apologize," Uldren said, grabbing the two sandwich containers from the table. "I'm here for you."

You smiled as all the humiliation whisked away, replaced by appreciation. Uldren was the first person since Cayde-6 who cared to listen—yes, how ironic that was—and to be honest, you didn't realize how much you needed someone to be there for you, until now. You shoved any thoughts of the prior hunter Vanguard to the back of your mind, refusing to live in the past.

Uldren returned the smile and made his way beside you. He tossed the dirty dishes in the sink and threw out the leftovers in the garbage. "You should head to bed, it seems you need the rest."

"I'm fine, seriously," You insisted, unfolding your arms. Even though your body desperately needed the rest, you didn't think you'd be able to fall asleep again. Your mind was buzzing with the events from before. How Drifter found out the truth, and how you almost killed him and Uldren.

"You say that, however, you fell asleep on me." He cocked a brow.

Your face flushed instantly at the thought. "Well, I'm not tired anymore," you muttered. "There's too much to think about."

"You need to stop thinking." Uldren nudged your shoulder softly. "That's all you do."

You drew in a deep breath. "But there's too much going on to not think."

"Is it about what occurred earlier?"

You nodded. "Drifter knows you're here. Who knows what he'll spill."

"Aren't you both close?"

"We were, but not anymore. He might say something if it's to his benefit." You looked at the ceiling, thinking about the long nights you and Drifter spent chatting up a storm. "And besides, if he found out it wouldn't be long for others to clue in. Staying here is too much of a risk."

"What do you suppose we do?" Uldren gave you a side glance, his jawline appearing sharper from the shadows of the dimly lit room.

"Not sure..." You stared at him a second before responding, trying to sort out your own ideas. It's not as if you had a variety of choices, it was slim picking. "We could camp out on another planet? I know lots of hunters who chose to live outside the walls of the City. At one point I was even considering it. "

Uldren leaned on the counter, placing his palms on the cracked marble surface. "I suppose that's the best bet we've got."

"Yeah. I don't think we have much of a choice," you sighed. "Many Guardians are investigating Petra's death, and it's only a matter of time they narrow it down to the Last City. They already have reasons to believe they're hiding somewhere here on Earth."

Uldren scratched the nape of his neck, looking deep in thought. Something was definitely bothering him. There was a pause before he responded. "I don't understand how they followed my trail. I was certain I left no traces." He let out a breath. "Although, I'm afraid you're right... any planet you had your mind set on?"

You searched his gaze, trying to read his expression. "Well, I was thinking about Nessus. There's lots of coverage from the vegetation and many caverns."

After Cayde's death, you looked into creating a camp there—on Nessus—to get away from everything. You hated passing by other Guardians, let alone speaking to anybody, you dispersed the bustling city. However, when Uldren stumbled into your life, your plans drastically changed.

Who knew what the next couple of weeks will bring. 


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