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─── a chilly night

THE DOORKNOB TURNED, THE door creaking as it opened

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THE DOORKNOB TURNED, THE door creaking as it opened. Upon seeing this you turned to Uldren in a panic. Your shoulders released tension as you saw the former prince slipping on his helmet. You let out a breath, thank the Traveler. He saved you a whole explanation to your ally, the Drifter.

"Hey, (Y/n)." Drifter waved casually as he held onto the brown bag. His gaze traveled from you to Uldren who stood behind you. "Oh, was I interrupting something?"

"What..? No, No." You said quickly, keeping your gaze away from Uldren. "He's a friend I met during a mission." the lie rolled off your tongue.

Drifter laughed, raising his eyebrows in the meantime. "Since when did you have friends?"

You rolled your eyes, letting out a curt laugh. "You're not the only one I talk to." You walked towards the Dredgen, taking the bag from his hands. "Just like I'm not the only one you talk to."

Before you turned away, Drifter grabbed your wrist. "Well, you're the only one I want to talk to," He said. His brown eyes staring into yours. You tried reading his expression to see that playful glint he usually had while he teased you, but there was none. He was dead serious.

You pulled your wrist away and glanced to Uldren who stayed silent during your exchange. An awkward laugh escaped your throat. "I'm sure that's not true."

He placed a hand on his chest as if he got struck. "Are you calling me a liar? I'm hurt."

You rolled your eyes, you forced a small smile. Your calm demeanor betrayed your actual feelings. You were nowhere near that. You didn't know how to respond and your heart was still thumping in your chest. Uldren was right there, standing still as a statue and Drifter was standing in your entrance staring you down.

Finally, you spoke. "Thanks for bringing me the bag. It's getting pretty late. How about I meet you tomorrow night?" You said, hoping to sound dismissive.

"And what about your mute friend there? He leaving too?" He glanced past you, looking at Uldren with narrowed eyes.

You subconsciously bit the inside of your cheek. There was a thick tension in the room. "Yeah, he'll be on his way soon."

The Drifters gaze flickered between you and Uldren. "I'll be expecting you tomorrow night. See you around, (Y/n)."

"I'll be there," You said, waving to him as you shut the door with a soft thud. You made sure to lock it so there weren't any more unexpected visitors.

You felt yourself get lost in your mind as you stared at the doors' grey surface. You still had an uneasy feeling for how Drifter was acting tonight. Was it because he suspected Uldren? No, he couldn't have figured it out that quickly. Was it about what he said? Was Drifter Jealous? You dismissed the idea. You were both partners, allies, that worked together that's all.

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