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─── unexpected turn

It seemed as though a blanket of purple was draped over the Tangled Shore

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It seemed as though a blanket of purple was draped over the Tangled Shore. Hues of violet and mauve clouds littered the sky. The enthralling scenery whisked past as you drove your sparrow down the rocky pathway. Dust spewed from underneath your vehicle, leaving behind a trail. As you skidded around a sharp bend, Uldren's grip tightened around your waist, catching himself.

Blood rushed to your cheeks, your (s/c) turned a subtle shade of pink. Without fail, each time you were close to him—to Uldren—it felt as though there were thousands of butterflies fluttering their wings in your midriff. Even though you didn't admit it, you relished the feeling.

Rounded fallen structures came into view, and a few Dregs fired their weapons aimlessly. Missing all their shots. You were nearing your destination: Spiders hideout. You slowed the sparrow down, bringing it to a halt.

You slipped off the sparrow, Uldren followed.

"We're here." You said, nodding towards Spider's hidden entrance.

Uldren looked in that direction, staring at the rocky wall. He turned back to you, expression hidden behind his helmet. "That is a wall."

"Not just any wall," you said as a matter of fact. "It's a special kind."

Uldren cocked his head to the side in question.

There was a spear-wielding Fallen stationed beside the wall. You walked towards it, dipping your head in greeting. The Fallen studied you for a moment before letting out an insect-like noise and returning your greeting.

The rocky wall formation disappeared in chunks, revealing Spider's hidden entrance.

"A special kind," Uldren repeated your words, with a hint of amusement. "How clever."

As you and Uldren were passing the guard, the Fallen jabbed his spear in Uldrens direction and pushed it against his chest to stop him from going any further. Uldren backed up, raising his hands slightly.

It grumbled in its native tongue, its blue eyes boring into the former prince. You made an effort to translate its words; you only managed to catch a few.

Who? Threat? Secret.

With those couple of words, you partially understood. The Fallen were worried about Uldren. Most likely his identity. You chose your words carefully. "He's with me, Spider knows him."

Does Spider know Uldren? Of course.

Is he fond of him? Of course not.

But the guard doesn't need to know that.

The Fallen guard held his stance, seeming doubtful.

"I've done countless jobs for Drifter and Spider alike." You folded your arms over your chest. "I've gained quite the reputation on the Black market. I'm surprised you think so little of me. If you still don't trust my word, we can always ask ol' Spider." Your voice lowered in an attempt to instigate the guard into submission. "Although... I'm not sure how he'd like to be bothered by such trivial manners. He's a very busy individual."

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