
599 30 18


─── a measly breakfast

THE EGG CRACKED AFTER you gently hit it on the side of the skillet

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THE EGG CRACKED AFTER you gently hit it on the side of the skillet. You split it open gingerly, letting the contents spill out on the hot frying pan. A shell dropped with it. You let out a sigh, keeping your eyes locked on the eggshell as it sat atop the transparent liquid, also known as the albumen. It let off a sizzle as it fried, and for a split second you debated on just leaving the shell there. Of course, you wouldn't, but it was tempting, to say the least.

You pulled open a drawer and took out a fork. You tried scooping it up but ended up breaking the yoke instead. Orange liquid pooled into the pan, making a mess of your pitiful attempt at breakfast. It's no surprise you'd screw something up simple like frying eggs. You had little to no experience when it came to cooking, that's why you always spent all your spare cash on take-out.

Finally, you managed to scoop up the shell and drop it in the sink, along with the fork. You turned your attention back to the skillet, looking at the white and orange muddled together. You decided it was best to scramble it instead, there was no saving the eggs now. You cracked another egg, adding it to the pan, and scrambled it. You spiced it up a bit with some salt and pepper.

You shot a glance over your shoulder, seeing Uldren. He was still on the couch, a hand resting behind his head as he slept. You smiled at the sight. The breakfast you were trying to make was for him. It's been a while since he ate something rather than takeout, so, you decided you'd treat him—or well that was your intention. You're thinking now takeout would've been much better.

The toaster popped from behind you, making you flinch from the sudden noise. You snapped around at the smell of something burning and saw the charred toast sitting in the grooves of the toaster. You suppressed a groan as you peered at the scuffed toaster. Smoke rolled off the toaster in a series of grey clouds, accompanied by a few sparks. It's been a while since you used the toaster but you didn't expect it to be completely broken.

In a panic you grabbed the slices of blackened toast, and dropped them onto the white plate, ignoring how your fingers burned. With stinging fingers, you unplugged the defective appliance and opened a window.

You looked at the blackened toast laying on the white plate and then at the broken toaster. Guess this meant he wouldn't be getting any toast with his small breakfast. You turned your attention back to the stove and continued working on frying the eggs.

Uldren stirred behind you and groaned. "What's going on here?"

You held the spatula in your hand and turned around. "Isn't it obvious? I'm making breakfast," You said, feeling embarrassment rise within you.

The former prince sat up, and the blanket slipped off his shoulders. He was shirtless like most nights and you could see the various scars covering from his waist up. Your cheeks warmed at the sight, and you turned around poking at the eggs once again.

"Breakfast, huh?" Uldren's morning voice was deep and sounded slightly groggy from only just waking up. In all honesty, it made your mind whirl.

You nodded while reaching into the cupboards and grabbing a new plate, you placed it on the counter. "Or it was supposed to be breakfast."

Uldren wore a wry smile as he came behind you, looking over your shoulder. "The toast is slightly burnt, don't you think?"

You rolled your eyes, flustered from your failed attempt and from his bare chest. "Yeah, well I'm trying." You sidestepped away from his towering figure and lowered the temperature on the stove. The scrambled eggs were done frying. You glanced at him once again, keeping your eyes from straying below his neck. "Why are you just standing there?"

"My apologies, (Y/n)," Uldren chuckled, his eyes glinting. He headed for the washroom, leaving you alone with your flushed face.

You shook your head, trying to calm your racing heart. You drew in a breath feeling foolish as you opened the fridge looking for something else to add to his measly breakfast. The air was cool against your skin. You pulled out a couple of vegetables, not bothering to ask if he even liked celery or zucchinis, and placed it on the plate. You scooped up the eggs from the skillet and dropped them beside the greens.

The washroom door opened as Uldren stepped out, now sporting a black muscle shirt. Your gaze flicked back to the counter as he sent you a subtle smirk. Pink dusted your cheeks as you stared at the measly breakfast, focusing on anything but Uldren. The eggs and vegetables looked plain so you added a couple of spices in hopes it would improve the taste.

"That looks good," Uldren said, suppressing a yawn.

You sighed. "Well, don't get your hopes up. It's just plain old eggs." You handed him the plate, finally meeting his eyes. "I'm not much of a cook."

He gripped the sides of the dish. "I'm certain it'll taste fine, thank you."

"Don't thank me yet." You tossed the burnt toast in the garbage and rinsed your hands. "Thank me after you've eaten it."

Uldren chuckled and headed for the couch. You decided to clean up before joining him. As you tidied the counters a white paper caught your attention. You peered at the ticket realizing It was a bill, reminding you of your unpaid rent.

The rent was due a couple of weeks ago and you still didn't pay, you simply didn't have enough money. It was only eight thousand a month, usually, it didn't leave a dent in your glimmer supply, but now, with Uldren around, you just didn't have that kind of money. You spent most of your glimmer on off-the-market clothing and armor suitable for Uldren. You made a mental note to visit Spider later and purchase some glimmer on his black market. The last thing you needed right now was to be evicted.

You were sitting beside Uldren on the pale couch, sharing a quiet conversation, sitting shoulder to shoulder. He had finished eating not long ago and insisted it was excellent. You had a hard time believing his words since you knew the eggs were mediocre. Definitely not something worth being called excellent.

"Are you still interested in setting up camp in Nessus?" Uldren asked, leaning his head against the couch. His Adam's apple was slightly more noticeable as he stared at the ceiling.

"Yeah, I think it'll be for the best," You replied. "Besides, it'll be nice to get away from the Tower."

"Yes, it would." He paused. "It's been a while since I've been to Nessus."

A smile made its way to your lips as you remembered the vibrant colors of the planet, with trees that reached far into the sky. "Yeah, It's really something else."

"It sure is." He gave you a side glance, staring deeply into your eyes. You searched his gaze, feeling your stomach flutter at the intensity in his orange irises. You broke off the eye contact and looked away, face hot.

"We should start loading some boxes," You said, breaking the unseen tension in the room.

Uldren cleared his throat, brows raised. "Very well. Where should we start?"

"Oh, well, we should do a little bit right now. We'll transfer a couple of boxes over to the ship, and start working on the camp in the meantime."

Uldren nodded. "Sounds like a plan." 

"I'll go get the boxes then." You stood up and headed towards the closet. 

While shuffling through the bottom, where piles of unused items lay scattered, you stole a glance over your shoulder. Uldren's stare connected with your own, and he quickly dropped his gaze. You could've sworn you saw a hint of a blush creep to his cheeks. 


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