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─── revenge

YOUR GHOST INTERVENED, HOVERING in front of you so you could meet his shining blue orb

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YOUR GHOST INTERVENED, HOVERING in front of you so you could meet his shining blue orb. "Wait, (y/n). Not like this. Look at him—he's finished."

Uldren averted his gaze, staring at the floor. 

You felt heat rushing throughout you and your face flushed in anger. "Are you kidding me? Cayde was finished too but Uldren didn't hold back now, did he?" Your finger hovered over the trigger, one slight movement and the bullet would fire. "So tell me. Why should I?"

(G/n) shell perked up defensively. "Even with everything he's done, we can't just—"

This time Petra spoke, cutting your companion off. She clasped both hands over her gun getting closer to Uldren. "You have no idea what he's done!" She softened her voice, turning all attention on you. "If Cayde was here, I know what he would do, Guardian. Do you?"

You opened your mouth to form the words but Uldren intervened, saying: "Yes. What would the notorious Cayde-6 do? You have his gun." He gestured to you. "Seems like you get the last word.

Your heart raced. Did it quicken from anger? from bitterness? from overwhelming anxiety? You couldn't tell. Maybe it was a mixture of all of it. 

"Everything I did, I did for her." His voice rasped, each syllable coated in thick emotion. He sunk back down, almost laying on his back, and let out a chuckle. "Funny. The line between Light and Dark is so very thin. Do you know what side you're on?" His eyes bore into yours at the question. 

Bile rose in your throat as well as heat rushing to your ears. What did he know about the darkness? You've always felt it, lurking inside you but you kept denying its residence. Your Ghost has been aware of this, so was Cayde... but now he's gone. He used to help you stay in the Light instead of straying onto a path of darkness. Now, you felt its presence stronger inside you. Sometimes you've even heard faint whispers. The hairs on your arms were raised as you and Uldren shared prolonged eye contact. 

You wanted desperately to kill him but you still hadn't pulled the trigger. Your eyebrows drew together and you turned your gaze to Petra. "Petra. I want you to leave. I can get the job done alone."

"Wait, what?" Petra looked confused, her gun still aiming at Uldren. 

"I want you to leave."

"I heard you the first time, but—"

You scowled. Petra hadn't lifted a finger to aid you in defeating the Barons nor do the Spiders bounties and she has the audacity to try and run the show? All she did was bark out useless orders. "No. I want to do this alone. I've done most of the work alone, so I think I can handle this, don't you? So I'll say it again, leave."

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