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─── a turn of events

YOU SLAMMED THE DOOR shut, turning to Uldren who stood in the middle of your studio apartment

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YOU SLAMMED THE DOOR shut, turning to Uldren who stood in the middle of your studio apartment. Your furniture looked untouched, come to think of it, it really was. There hasn't been a time you've come here to kick back and relax. Not in the past months anyhow. A few papers were scattered across a round table in front of a dull brown couch. Most likely some reports on the latest missions. 

"So, you said you needed assistance." You pulled out your hand cannon, malfeasance pointing it at him. "What makes you think I'll help you?"

Uldren took off his helmet, holding it at his side. His neck was streaked in blood. "It was a mere hunch."

Your eyes narrowed into (e/c) slits. "Are you serious? You killed Cayde and tried to kill me. And you think I'll help you? That's a sick joke."

The former prince of the reef let out a sigh. "I have nowhere else to go. Trust me when I say I don't like this either. I'm not fond of your kind." His jaw set. "And besides, I didn't kill you did I?"

You neared Uldren, holding the pistol at his head as you did those many months ago. Your hand even shook as it did before. Your life has spiraled out of control ever since you let Uldren escape and now here he is, asking for your help. 

Yes, the thought of why he didn't kill you always boggled your mind. But you decided to ignore his statement.

"Trust me nobody around here is fond of you either," You said, scoffing. "Now, what do you need assistance with?" You wanted to hear him out at least. 

As much as you wanted to kill him, and blamed him for the way things have been, you still wouldn't be able to pull the trigger. You didn't know why. You couldn't deal the killing blow. This made your blood boil. You hated feeling weak and he brought it to the surface. 

"I got into some trouble." Uldren's eyes flashed.

"What did you do now?"

"Petra Venj saw me." 

You sucked in a breath, your mind racing. She saw him. She saw him! 

"I told you to stay hidden!" You shouted. You let your arm fall from aiming at his head and subconsciously paced the floor, panic settling in. You talked with your hands, moving them as you spoke. "I can't believe this. You had one simple task. One!"

Uldren shook his head. "You have nothing to worry about."

"And why's that genius? I'm just as guilty as you are now."

"I killed her last night."

You stopped dead in your tracks. All the color drained from your face leaving you ghost-like. "You... killed Petra?" 

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