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─── you're safe now

YOUR EYES SHOT OPEN in a flurry of shock; gasping for air

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YOUR EYES SHOT OPEN in a flurry of shock; gasping for air. You tried leveling your abnormally fast heartbeat, by drawing in a deep breath. Everything around you faded from black, into an oh-so-familiar setting.

Blue crystal walls loomed overhead, with an untouchable ceiling. It reminded you of a large cathedral, then it dawned on you. Here you were, standing in the middle of the watchtower once again. Your brows furrowed in confusion. How was this possible? Black smog-like shadows slithered across the floors, casting a slight haze over the area.

You looked around, trying to make sense of this. There was only one explanation: you were dreaming. You shifted your feet away from shadows that neared you, suddenly afraid of what it might do if it touched you.

"You did the right thing," someone suddenly remarked from beside you.

Your body became rigid, you could've sworn you were alone. As you slowly turned, your gaze rested on the person whose voice belonged to.

"Petra...?" you murmured, eyes wide.

Yes, she was dead. Uldren had killed her, but here she was, standing in your dreamscape without a scratch on her. It felt way too real. You pinched your hand in an attempt to wake up, but to your dismay, it proved futile.

Hushed voices echoed around you, creating a symphony of incoherent words. Your skin crawled with unease. Something felt off. 

Petra gave you a wide smile. "You did well."

You blinked, wondering what this dream-like Petra meant.

The awoken nodded ahead, motioning towards something on the floor. You peered in the direction, looking at what's slumped on the ground.

Your heart sank to your feet and bile rose in your throat. It was a body—no, not just any body—it was Uldren Sov. There was no denying his pale skin, raven hair, and orange gaze. There his body lay, slumped on the floor like a ragdoll. A bullet wound on his forehead leaked with crimson blood; his eyes were glossed over, completely lifeless.

"I didn't do that," you said, wanting desperately to peel your eyes away, but something held you there. Forcing you to stare at his corpse.

Petra took a couple of steps towards you, hands clasped. Shadows followed suit. "Oh, but you did."

Just like many times before, that presence you've become familiarized with appeared again. Although, it was heavier this time as if it was slowly draining the Light from your body. It was the Darkness.

"This is just a dream." you waved her off, trying to focus on waking yourself up. "I didn't do this."

"Lying to yourself won't help, (Y/n)." Petra's voice was oddly mellow. "You're even holding the murder weapon." She looked at your hands.

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