Chapter 4

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Aegeus point of View

Do you believe in intuitions?

Like a gut feeling telling you something will happen and you have to beware of everything?

I always have such hunches. Most of the time, it was those hunches that act as saving grace to me. But are those hunches always spot on?

Most of the time! Except, right now something in the pit of my stomach tells me to stay alert but did not hint me of what.

It was a vague yet a strong feeling of warning. Is it even a warning; I'm not sure of it.

Being a beggar, I'm not scared of many things. It is not easy to scare me or threaten me as I have nothing to protect or nothing to looking forward to.

But then, this sudden feeling of caution is pretty disturbing.

It was a fine day with just the needed amount of sunlight and refreshing breeze. The park is as usual buzzing with people. Kids are running around and adults running behind them. There are few food carts here and there.

Fun rides for kids are full and so does the benches to sit. Everything seems to be quite normal and just so normal.

Normal until I was scared the shit of my life.

"How was your day?" I heard a whisper closely beside me. Out of instinct, I scrammed away in sudden fright at the sudden blow of hot air near my ear.

Turning to left was when I saw a girl with slightly dusky complexion, bright colgate smile, hair flowing down to her waist and styled in waves, dressed in all green like a cucumber reincarnated.

She looked good and pretty but when the damn did she got here without making any sound?

"Who are you?" I asked in almost exasperated manner.

Trust me when I say I don't get scared easily. But somehow this harmless little girl suddenly scared the shit out of me with her soundless entrance.

I almost thought it was a ghost that whispered in my ear earlier.

"I'm someone who is going to change your life for better." She said with pride and has few wrinkles of smugness added to her expression.

Change my life for better?

"No thanks." I answered with a scowl and waved my hand in front of her gesturing her to piss off.

"I wasn't asking." She said and suddenly pushed my sitting body to the front and hid herself in the back.

What –

What is happening?

What – is wrong with this girl and who the hell is she?

"Hey get off." I chided and tried to push her off my back but seriously she got herself stuck to my back like a lizard on the wall. Not only that; the audacity she has to hush a proud beggar like me!

I took a minute to calm myself and observe what exactly is happening. I looked around the vicinity and found everything normal except for a small group of men and women walking around in search of something.

Or should I say someone!

"Are they looking for you?" I asked but seeing how she is trying to hide her neat small frame behind my large dirty ones, I don't need an answer anymore.

Hearing a hmm from her, I went back to watch them closely. The group looked here and there and passed us proceeding to the side behind the fountain to search.

Adopting Mr. Beggar - (Mister Twister series Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now