Chapter 13

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Aegeus Point of View

I'm confused!

No, I'm speechless.

I mean, what she is doing is not bravery, it is called foolishness.

How in the planet is she not scared of those vile people is beyond me. Even the powerful and influential people stay clear of these bunch of people and this girl thought to gather them in a park and lecture them against their hobby of trading drugs.

I, along with her male friend whom she called Lucas, tried to drag her off the dais and maybe hit some sense into her before she gets murdered publically.

I don't think this girl is made of bones and flesh. She has iron inside her. Dammit, how can a puny girl like her have a strength that can even dominate the strength of two well grown men?

Lucas and I are pulling her back, with all our strength, using every ounce of our energy and we were unable to drag her back by even two measures.

She is female demented version of Hercules.

"Sit down all of you and listen to me patiently." She said shaking off us from her as if we weigh not more than few particles of dust.

Lucas dared to close her mouth using his hand but did he succeed in controlling her? What a joke!

She easily took off his hand from her mouth and smiled at him as she looked at both of us and said she will be fine.

Will she though?

Is that her confidence or her wishful thinking or is she bored with her life – I don't know. But one thing I understood quite clearly.

This negative spouting demented Cerberus with Hercules strength is not afraid of death.

"They will kill you if you continue this nonsense." I spoke through my gritted teeth.

I wasn't really interested in attending this so called gathering but when I heard her enthusiastic voice boom through the whole arena announcing that she will eradicate the evil of the society, I got curious.

Curiosity did kill the cat but it seems like I'm not the cat in this situation.

"Let them. I'm not really afraid of dying. Everyone should die one day so I'm not afraid of the inevitable."I have to give it to her for her audacity.

She can even shave Adolf Hitler's head and still give him a lecture on managing a nation while telling him he is audacious towards her all the time.

"I repeat, all of you sit down silently and listen to me first." She bellowed through the mic almost robbing off the hearing capacity from us.

The wild and raging bunch of furious audience closed her ears due to her voice and settled on their chairs much silently than before.

She pushed me and Lucas off the dais without a second thought but all the while I was actually grateful that the dais is dark and my face is not visible to audience.

"You both stay here and make friends while I finish my speech and get back." She said placing my hand in Lucas's and proceeded onto the stage with her ever irritating wise grin.

"I don't think she will come back safe." I heard Lucas sigh and scratched his head in worry.

"I don't think the others will go back safe." I said with a shrug but still worried for her.

Am I too soft to be concerned of her wellbeing?

"A drug that kills a disease is called a medicine. A drug that kills a person is called poison. A drug that serves as a weapon in the hands of people like you is called humanity destruction." Oh really?

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