Chapter 28

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Aegeus Point of View


I was just beginning to act authoritative and take everything happening under my charge; never thought the series of surprises I got dampens my spirit altogether.

"I missed you so much, Son." My kind Mama spoke in her usual gentle voice.

Seeing her, seeing my family after years almost moved me to tears. If only, If only I was meeting them alone without a wife on toe.

Well, life!

"I missed you too, Mama. You lost your beauty weight." I scanned her all over and noticed that she became much thinner and paler.

She looked healthy no doubt but she still did not look right to my eyes. It must be because I'm seeing her after three years but the sight of my lovely mother made me feel like I'm finally home.

"Let's not get on to it. For the past three years, your absence has made her cry oceans for you." Nereus answered, settling beside me.

While I was having a reunion with the family, Lenore took Cerberus to our room for rest for which I'm grateful.

"You cried for me again? Mama, this isn't new for me still you cry every time. You should stop spending your worry over unnecessary issues. I'm safe and sound like I promised you so you should trust your son."

"You look much better now. Your wife brought good change in you."

Good change?


By making me go bald and crazy?

Right! About Wife! I still need to get an explanation from them.

"Wait, how did you know what's going on in my life?" Curiosity got the best out of me.

One thing I know about my little family is they don't spy on each other whatsoever. Then I wonder how they got to know about Cerberus and our relation.

"That's a story only your wife can tell you. Ask her." Mama laughed out very gleefully that clearly stated she is quite satisfied with this relationship.

I can see as clear as crystal that everyone of them, except for Iona, admires Cerberus a lot.

But my doubt is, what is there to admire in her?

"And you accept her as your daughter in law just like that?" I asked amazed at their acceptance skills.

"Why now? She is an amazing girl." Papa, Mama and Nereus spoke in one tone.

Really now?

"You will not say the same after getting to know her completely." I muttered out to which I got an approval nod from Iona.

Now that is why I really like my sister in law; although I hated how she treated Cerberus, with my wife's skills, I was assured.

If Iona has a strong attitude and foul mouth, then Cerberus is just her match in foiling her with kind words.

"She is different and that is why we love her." Yet again all the three said in unison.

They are hypnotized for sure.

"Fine I get it you all love her so much. At least tell me why you guys are so happy about it. I mean I got married without even notifying you."

"Do you want to hear the truth?" Asked my Mama and I nodded.

"Do you want to us to tell you why?" Asked Papa and I nodded.

"Do you really want to know?" Asked Nereus and I nodded.

Adopting Mr. Beggar - (Mister Twister series Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now