Chapter 6

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Aegeus Point of View

There are many things in this world, in this universe, that we don't understand.

There any many things that has no logic behind them but still take place.

In my thirty plus years of life, I have seen many such things, many such people. There were people who were good at pretense, there were some who were true to their nature, some who did not care about anyone or anything around and some who are borderline evil.

I met smart people, foolish and smug, innocent and irritating.

But she is –

Ariche Gil is from none of the categories I've seen before. How can a person be both smart and a fool all at the same time?

I dare not come up with a right word to describe her. I don't think I have enough literary knowledge to describe her with a definite word or a phrase.

She is just so – Ariche!

If human are divided into genres, then Ariche Gil is a new undiscovered and the only one in such genre. I don't believe there is another like that girl.

Fourty five minutes with her and I regrets half the things I did in my life. It was our first time meeting each other for f**k sake!

I shook my head when another wave of dizziness hit me. My head is pounding as if one of those large church bells is ringing inside it.

No, it is not because I lack energy or I hadn't eat anything. I was used to living a rough life.

Just that, I haven't matured enough to live a rougher life with a person like that psychology girl.

Thinking about her again, something in the pits of my stomach revolted giving me a nauseous feeling. Whenever a sudden flash of her image crossed my mind, I get blank for a moment.

It has been a day she proposed to adopt me and went away promising that she would be back with application sheet for the procedure in a couple of days.

Did I agree to her idea? Obviously I wasn't given the chance to decide.

I mean, which twenty something year old girl in their right mind would adopt a thirty something year man?

There is still a day left until she came back for me, should I hide, run away or may be talk out reasons with her –

Nay, that won't end up well. Few minutes with here the other day gave me a clear idea that she blindly follows herself.

For some weird reason, she is her own inspiration!

I sighed heavily as a discomfort settled in my heart. Patting my dog pals on either sides, I lay there on the wet grass looking into the darkening sky.

The park is not open for the evening today due to some renovation going on which is good for me. No people, no noise!

I wonder if I could get something to eat tomorrow at least.

How irony, I heard many lecturing me and other homeless people to find and job and work for our living and when indeed go out to seek work, no one are interested in giving us a chance only because we are poor and homeless.

Thinking about the way they treated me and the other people like me, rather than feeling angry, I feel pity for them.

Giving free advices is easy but when it comes to help us achieve it, they all step back with a disgusted face.

Those who cannot sort out their own predilection, how would they sort the better out of people like me!

If they don't plan to help then why bother lecturing?

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