Chapter 2

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Ariche Gil Point of View


"I- I'm sorry ma'am, what?" Seriously now?

Am I going to explain them everything? Service is not a course that you learn from textbooks; it is a source that takes you into the textbooks.

"DTMYNACCOBK!" The person standing before me shivered in summer season as his eyes narrowed at me with a mix of surprise and bafflement.

"What she is saying is 'Don't tell me you need a crash course on being kind!'. That was what DTMYNACCOBK means. Are you new here?" Said a new, yet a familiar voice from behind.

Only he can understand me without a mistake.

I smiled brightly and turned to my partner in service with starry eyes. Starry eyes, not because he has a place in my heart but because he is an epitome of kindness and a male version of Mother Terasa.

He is none other than, Lucas Fernsby, my colleague and a very dear friend. He and I joined the social servicing organization at the same time and immediately clicked.

Huh! Good old days! It has been four years since we joined and we went through thick and thin together.

He is a great man with only needed smartness and necessary kindness.

"Good Morning, sir. I was told by the chief to tag along with Mr. Fernsby and Ms. Gil for two months to learn well." The newbie bowed a little and stretched his hand out to shake with ours.

We shook his hand and nodded at him as we scanned him from head to toe in unison. After scanning him for three times like a ritual, I and Lucas turned to each other at same time and nodded at each other in satisfaction.

"That would be us." Lucas answered and wrapped a hand on the newbie's shoulder. "When were you born?"

"Year 2000, sir."

"Are you knowledgeable in abbreviation way of talking?" Lucas asked as he pulled me by my shoulder and wrapped another of his arm around my shoulder.

"A little, yes sir." The newbie answered as we started moving out of the building towards the parking lot where our vehicle is parked.

"Then learn better. Ms. Gil here, talks only in short forms most of the time to save time and energy. You want to work with us, you have to understand her."

"Y." I replied with a nod which the newbie easily understood.

I'm not lazy to talk in full forms, Nay! I'm a Psychology graduate and usually challenge myself and others with my brainstorming puzzles.

This is another kind of personal service I do to mankind who are too much involved in the shortcuts technology is providing. So I try different things to make people around me speechless and make them use their rusted brains.

"Noted. I'm Sky Manson, studying hotel management and will graduate by next year. My uncle was a social service organizer before he retired two years ago so he wanted me to continue providing help to the world. I did attend few healthcare camps with my uncle years ago but I'm still new so please take care of me and teach me." He introduced himself.

Sky! Nice and a vast name!

"ANTTIAO,WWHTGFI." I said in a jolly vibe and dragged both of them to the car.

"You mean, 'As*es now take the inbred arse out, we walk hell to God forbidden Inspection'." Uh, the boy is a little too rough in his words. Seems like he needs a lot of my philosophical coaching.

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