Quirk Discovery

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Y/n pov:

Ever since I can remember I always had better memory than everyone else. At the age of two I started to learn letters on my own.
I loved heroes. I wanted to know more about them and reading was the best option how.
I, sister and brother would always play heroes. We always wanted to be heroes just like our parents. At least until then...

One day in one kindergardten:

Today I'm really nervous. We had homework. Our parents were supposed to read us a fairy tale, The Light Princess, but since I can already read a bit I read it by myself. I only hope I didn't read it wrong.

"Okay kids! Who wants to start? No one? Then how about you, y/n! Tell us your favorite part."

Ehh? My favorite part? I didn't thought about that!

"That would probably be this one...

When he returned from his breakfast to his watch-cave, he saw the princess already floating about in the lake, attended by the king or queen—whom he knew by their crowns—and a great company in lovely little boats, with canopies of all the colours of the rainbow, and flags and streamers of a great many more. It was a very bright day, and soon the prince, burned up with the heat, began to long for the cold water and the cool princess. But he had to endure till twilight; for the boats had provisions on board, and it was not till the sun went down that the gay party began to vanish. Boat after boat drew away to the shore, following that of the king and queen, till only one, apparently the princess's own boat, remained. But she did not want to go home even yet, and the prince thought he saw her order the boat to the shore without her. At all events, it rowed away; and now, of all the radiant company, only one white speck remained. Then the prince began to sing.

And this is what he sang:

"Lady fair,
Lift thine eyes
Banish night
By the might
Of thine eyes.
Snowy arms,
Oars of snow,
Oar her hither,
Plashing low.
Soft and slow,
Oar her hither.
Stream behind her
O'er the lake,
Radiant whiteness!
In her wake
Following, following for her sake,
Radiant whiteness!
Cling about her,
Waters blue;
Part not from her,
But renew
Cold and true
Kisses round her.
Lap me round,
Waters sad
That have left her;
Make me glad,
For ye had
Kissed her ere ye left her."

Before he had finished his song, the princess was just under the place where he sat, and looking up to find him. Her ears had led her truly.
"Would you like a fall, princess?" said the prince, looking down.
"Ah! there you are! Yes, if you please, prince," said the princess, looking up.
"How do you know I am a prince, princess?" said the prince.
"Because you are a very nice young man, prince," said the princess.
"Come up then, princess."
"Fetch me, prince."

Yep! That's it!" I happily nodded that I said it right.

When I didn't hear anyone say anything I looked around me. Everyone was in silence and shocked.

The first to say anything was the teacher: " Y/n? Is... Is your quirk somehow related to memories?" Huh? "I don't have one yet. But I don't know anyone in our family with a quirk like that." "Then you should probably go check it out because I don't think someone could remember all this without quirk."

And this was the end of my good relationship with my family. When they found out my quirk was useless to them, for fight against villains. Since that day I was never supposed to become a hero.

Thanks again for reading!❤️

Demon from Fairy Tail (BnHAx Fairy Tail Reader)Where stories live. Discover now