The Camp!

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Hi everyone,

I'm sorry I didn't write anything recently, I'm quite depressed. In this weird situation, something happened in my hometown and it concerns someone I know so yeah...

Well, about this chapter, the camp is quite long and I don't really want to write it all since you probably know what happens, it would be a bit weird if you don't and read this but that's your choice so... I hope you'll enjoy these chapters!

What's your favourite moment in bnha?


After we arrived to the camp (after some strugles in the forest after being kicked out of the bus), we all jumped into the hot water and just talked. Then sleep.

The next day we got up pretty early and started to train.

I couldn't train the normal way since I could end up destroying the forest so my training contained just releasing magic out of my body but since I have it a lot it didn't help much evon though I was also strengening myself with it and doing some workout the whole time. At the end, Aizawa got enough of it and told me to try to transform and then change back then transform again,... And to do that for as long I can but it had to be a harder one. I went with Seilah. The first hour it was easy but after that it started to be anoying and at the evening I had practically no magic left.

This time we had to make our dinner ourselves. The only people that could actually cook were me and Bakugo.

And that's how it went the next day too.

In the evening of the third day of the camp, we were going to play with class B. They were supposed to scare us and then we them. Many people (me actually too) thought that there's no way something could scare us during that. How wrong we were...

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