'First' Fight Against Villains

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Y/n pov:

For his heroism during crisis was Iida nominated by Midoriya to become the class pres and he immediately went into the role.

For our next lesson we had to take a bus for which Iida made sure we were sitting in a sitting order.
But because it was deferent type of bus then he expected we could sit wherever we wanted to. I ended up sitting behind Aizawa and next to Midoriya on my left side.

Asui started a debate about quirks. They talked about quirks flashiness and stuff like that while I was quietly listening.

Someone later brought up that Bakugo's and Todoroki's quirks are strong. Then they started to discuss my quirk and how strong could it be. It was fun watching them trying to figure it out but I was sorry for them so I decided to give them a little advice and tell them something about my magic.

"Because of my powers I got called the demon by many people."

They then started to fantasy if I have a thin tail ended with a spike and small horns on my head or if I've got some fire type of quirk...

We got out of the bus at USJ where Thirteen was waiting for us since we were doing rescue training but when it was being explained purple mist appeared and people came from it.

Aizawa told us to get out of there and when I wanted to help him he told me to help my classmates.

On our way we encountered a villain clothed in fog. He introduced himself as a part of League of villains. After Bakugo and Kirishima attacked him he wrapped us in the fog and the next second I was alone in Fire zone.

How to describe Fire zone? There's lot of fire and villains.

I used Sitri to take care of them and asked them few questions. Then ran as fast as I could to Aizawa.

When I got there All Might was getting saved by Todoroki, Bakugo and Kirishima. And Midoriya was there too.

Against us three villains. The foggy one under my angry classmate, then one that looked like the worst looking birdlike demon I ever saw and one with a hand on his face which looked quite unpractical.

The handyman told the bird demon that he called Nomu to save the fog named Kurogiri. He was quite slow. I took over Satan Soul and stood before Bakugo.

"And weak too. I think that if you want to attack something you should be at least a bit stronger."

I then sent him flying.

Before the villains could wake up from the shock heroes already arrived but because Bakugo wasn't paying attention the villain under him disappeared and warped the handyman with him.

Apparently the only person injured was Aizawa.

On the way back to school was almost everyone talking about how they fought except for the four boys that saw me use my quirk and that were intensely watching me.

I know that I'm not updating how I should I'm really sorry! Because I don't have enough time I'll be from tomorrow posting only one chapter per week. I still need to do some changes in the next chapter so I'll post it tomorrow. Bye! ❤️

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