Exam? More Like a Show

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Y/n pov:

The practical exam was supposed to take place at P.E. Grounds and U.S.J.

Since I decided to take the second variant I had to take a bus to U.S.J. I was there once with Midnight. Supposedly it means Unforeseen Simulation Joint. It was made by Thirteen, one of the comity members.

I wanted to sit next to Tokage because I didn't know anyone else but they made a sitting order so I ended up sitting next to a blonde haired girl with blue eyes. She had her wavy hair in ponytail. She wore purple dress and gold accessories.
She reminded me of Jenny from Blue Pegasus.

That putted my mind into a chaos. Could she be that Jenny? I knew that some people from Earthland were reincarnated to this world world. The death quirks are the evidence to that. But no one of them had memory quirk which is the reason why she wouldn't remember me.

I tried to talk to her on the way. Her name was Jeniko Ririte and quirk Machina. I was quite she she really was Jenny.

Apparently she became a famous model and she works for some kind of fashion magazine.

When we got there Thirteen was waiting for us and told us the rules of this exam. Everyone had to stay outside until they will be called in one by one.

I stood there for almost two hours already. I was talking with Ririte, Tokage and some other girl with black hair called Momo Yaoyorozu.

When finally my name was called I went in.
I quickly went to the Central Plaza. There was a long table and behind him three people.

Thirteen. The second one I recognized as Blood Hero: Vlad King. Then the third one is Erasure Hero: Eraserhead.


"During the test you can do anything you want. Use everything you want or anyone you want in the U.S.J. building."


Right I can do whatever I want!

"So are you going to start now or do you think we'll choose you just because you were recommended by Midnight?!"
It was obvious that the white haired hero didn't like to wait.


"The best thing to do with Sekijiro is to get rid of him. He's useless. He's normally just sitting there doing nothing anyway."


Right. Get rid of him.

I came closer to him and lifted my right arm. Right after the spell hit him his head dropped on the table as he felt asleep.
The other two examiners looked shock as their colleague started to snore loudly.


"Thirteen prefers rescuing. The best thing to do is show her control of your quirk."


A big dark magic circle appeared above me, the ground started to shake and parts of it began to levitate. My body changed into a body of a demon. Satan Soul.

I took out my wings and flew above the Flood Zone. I used Water Magic to lift all the water in the lake to the air. When there wasn't a single drop left I made it into various objects then let it go back.

I then flow back and show them some Lightning Magic and Darkness Magic.

I took over Halphas and used Darkness Magic.

The last was Sitri. I showed again Darkness Magic. Then I went on Fire Magic.


"Aizawa? Let's see... He's an underground hero. He's also the hardest to please."


I didn't know what could interest him so I just went with Transformation Magic. I took the form of Erza. I don't know why. It was the first I thought of. I then changed my dress to one of her armors.

And finally my last trick.

Mirajane Seilah.
I used Macro to take control over the tired-looking hero's body. I ordered him to went to go to the lake.

When he was half in I quickly transformed back and ran away.
I ran home and locked in my room.

I knew one thing about the results... I messed up.

Hi again! Tomorrow will be another chapter so until then! ❤️

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