Press and pres

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Y/n pov:

So just like the days before I met an angry pomeranian on my way to school. The only sentences that were spoken between us were "What's your damn stupid quirk?!" and "Try to find out yourself."

When we arrived press already surrounded our poor classmates trying to get some informations about All Might.

When few of them saw us they ran to question us. One of them started to ask Bakugo and mentioned some slime accident which caused her to be shouted by the explosive boy.

When two reporters came to me and started some one-sided conversation I used my super secret trick that I used few times in Fairy Tail and it always worked.

"Look All Might!"

After I shouted that I cought my classmates' hands and ran with them behind Aizawa who just popped there out off nowhere.
The secret trick worked again~!

The press then started to scold Aizawa on which he replied with UA's protective mechanism.

During Homeroom we were supposed to choose our class representative and decided to do it by voting.

I was wondering between three people. Yaomomo, Bakugo and Aizawa. Yaomomo has a good leadership and deduction skills. Bakugo is always trying to be the best which means that if he were to become the class pres he would also start to care about the class being the best. And Aizawa is someone who has a good control over the class, doesn't do unnecessary things and always thinks things through first.

When I decided I gave my vote paper to the others.

At the end the one who won was Midoriya with three votes. Then was Yaomomo and Aizawa with two votes and then everyone else with one or none like me.

Aizawa appointed Midoriya as class president and Yaomomo as vice-president. Afterwards he scolded is for voting for him saying we were supposed to choose between ourselves. I think he should have told us before though I would like to know who was the second one who voted for him.

During lunch when I was sitting with Jiro and Yaomomo there was sudden loud noise from siren. A voice todl us that there was security level 3 breached.

I wanted to go to look for what was going on but a hand cought me and was dragging me the way other students ran off to.

Before I managed to look who the person was I was to wall with him on my back by our crazy schoolmates. And after Iida's weird presentation everything calmed down. When I was finally free and turn around no one was there.

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