What Did You Say?!

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Y/n pov:

It's been a whole week since the accident in the park and there wasn't a single thing about it in the news. That was weird but I couldn't do anything about it. The guys must have run away or the heroes didn't wanted to disclose anything.

I was happily hopping to school. Today we were supposed to get more informations about the exams we were going to take.

I was sitting in my seat waiting for the teacher to talk about UA.
"Oh, I almost forgot. Y/n?"
"Ah yes?"
"A letter from UA came that you got a recommendation to the Hero Course."

Huh? There must be some mistake. My parents and siblings would never recommend me and I don't know any other hero.

"Eh um pardon? What did you say?"

"I said that you got recommended to UA to the Hero Course by R-rated Hero: Midnight."

While I was walking home I was wondering how I would tell my parents about the sudden news.

I decided I would go with the easiest and safest one.

The first parent I saw was my mother sitting at a table doing some paperwork.


"What do you want y/n? Can't you see I have work?!"

"I know but this is important."

"What's so important that you have to interrupt me like this?!"

"A letter from UA came to school today."

"I'm listening."

"It says that I got recommended to the Hero Course."



"What did you say?"

"Here you have it. You can read it if you don't believe me. I'll be in my room."

I ran away from there as fast as possible. I lied on my bed thinking if Midnight saw me use magic because I didn't know of any reason why she would do that. Then I was call downstairs.
The whole afternoon I was forced to listen to a debate about why would a hero as known as her recommend me to a Hero Course.

That night I was having difficulties to fall asleep. I was trying to decide what to do. Keep it the way I planned and open a bar or cafe or become a hero?

I can always change my mind if I become a hero but I wouldn't be able to change it to become one.

Since then I started to train more and harder.
Up till now I could use only Satan Soul, Halphas, Sitri. Now I was working on Seilah and Alegria. But I was still practicing even the magic I already could control.

It was just few days before the exam I was supposed to take when the house bell rang. I went to open the door as I always do. I didn't have a smallest idea of who it could be.

When I opened the door I saw a woman with spiky dark purple hair in one ponytail and sky blue eyes. She wore glasses and short loose stripped dress.

"Oh hi there y/n~! It's nice to meet you! My name is Nemuri Kayama also known as R-Rated Hero: Midnight. Just call me Kayama, 'key? Let's head inside now. It's way too cold here."

Then why does she wear such short dress?

I lead her to the living room. She lied down on the biggest sofa and watched me sit in front of her on a chair.

"So madam Kayama, what exactly do you need?"

"Oh no no! It's miss, I'm not married yet."

"Well then miss Kayama?"

"You surely know that I recommended you."


"I wanted talk about the exam. Apart from the written part there are two variations of it. First is physical one where you run, jump, and stuff like that. The second is more about abilities. There will be a comity and you have to show them your quirk and what you can do with it. So which one are you going to choose?"

"Which one do you want me to choose?"

She gave me a warm smile. "With your quirk you should choose the second one."

"Do you know what's my quirk?"

"Not really. How about you tell me?"

Is she crazy she chose someone whose quirk she doesn't even know?

"Memory quirk. I can go back in my memories. Pretty useless quirk for a hero, don't you think?"

"Oh really? But that's not what I saw in the park about a week ago around midnight."


"I think you must have saw someone else since I can't go out too much and especially at night. How would I get out of the house without being noticed by at least one of the four heroes that live here with me?"

"There were two other heroes with me. They can confirm that you were the one we saw."

"Well maybe I have a second quirk I don't want anyone else to know."

"And what would that quirk be?"

"Take Over: Satan Soul. I can take over practically all demons."

"And that's all?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"You put someone to sleep."

"Part of the quirk."

"One of the heroes that were there with me can erase quirks. He used it on you."

What did I get into?!

"So are you going to tell me the truth?"

"Have you ever heard about 'dead quirks'?"

"Quirks that can be used only by a small percentage of people and only in very dangerous situations. It's more like a reaction to it. They can't be detected. No one knows how it works. Or rather no one knows anything about it."

"That's because they aren't quirks."

"And how do you know that?"

"As I said before I can go back in my memories. I remember my past life."

"Then what is it?"

"Magic. Power that only about 20% population could use in our past lives. Anyone of them could use any magic they wanted but even for them there was magic that was for them easier or harder. Power didn't depend on what type of magic you used but on your magic power."

"I see ... . That sure is interesting. Well if that's the case then I want to see what exactly can you do then. Come with me!"

"Were are we going?"

"UA. It's the best place we can train."

I know this chapter is a bit longer but I might not be able post anything in the next week. Don't worry I'll update the episodes later. See you soon!❤️

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