Troubles with Training

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Y/n pov:

Day after the discovery of my past memories I decided to train.
I was very tired after the sleepless night full of nightmares so I thought of having an easier one.

"Ok then! Let's start with 100 push-ups!"




"I think I've forgotten I'm a child that didn't train for years...."

"Then let's start from the start."

After two months I started to practice magic. Surprisingly it worked even in this world. Ten months later I was able to do some easier things like sleep magic or transformation magic and if I really wanted I was able to use take over for a few minutes.

I never told anyone about it. I never once used magic in front of another person. This way it went for over two years.

When I was eleven some girls from our class saw my Fairy Tail tattoo on my thigh and decided to use it against me.
I was already used to their bullying. Beating me up was their daily routine.

But that day it was different.

"Oh hey there y/n~"

"You know we're really really sad you didn't tell us about that tattoo."

"Yeah we're friends aren't we~?"

"Well then. Since you didn't want us to know it must be really precious to you right?"

"Hm. It-it is," I stuttered out.

"Oh 's that so?"

Now I could see her evil smile as she just got some bad idea. And I was sure I'm not gonna like it.

"Then how 'bout we cut that little thing off?"

My mind got blank then second later full of questions. Is she crazy? Is she out of her mind? Does she really want to cut it off?

While I was in a trance two girls cought me by my arms and three other by my legs. The one that lead them took out a knife and started to get closer. She sat right in front of me lifting my skirt so the tattoo could be seen. She then started to bring the knife closer and closer and closer to the place where my only physical connection to my old family, to Fairy Tail... .

And that's when I snapped and Satan Soul took over me. It was the first time someone from this world ever saw me use magic. They were terrified.

First a big dark magic circle appeared above us. Then stones and parts of the ground started lo levitate. And finally, my hair went up, a scare formed on my face, my skin became full of scales, my hand changed to claws, my school uniform turned to red demon outfit and from my tail bone where nothing should be a masiv tail grew out.
And pure bloodlust in my eyes.

The girl started to run away and when I came back to my senses I found out six girls in teared up uniforms bleeding on the ground. I quickly change back and went to help them. Luckily they were still alive. The teacher came running few minutes later. Apparently she heard screaming.

The next day my parents had to go to school. No one believed the poor girls that a useless me with only a memory quirk did that. And even if they would my parents would deal with them since they were heroes.

But since then I was forbidden to come home late or leave early so I had no time to train. The only thing I could practice was controlling my energy and some minor workouts.

Hi again! Sorry for not posting earlier. I hope you like this chapter too. I'll update again at least once more this week. See you soon! ❤️

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