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“Is that coming from your apartment?” I frowned as I heard loud voices as we approached the apartment from the beach.

“I hope not” She groaned but as we reached the little staircase leading up to their apartment it was obvious that it was. She gently pushed open the door which allowed us to hear Randy’s voice echo throughout the apartment from the kitchen. 

His back was turned towards us while John was focused on him, “She is not some woman I want to fuck and discard, I am in love with her, so I would appreciate you not giving me shit or making assumptions about her because of that and her age.”

My eyes widened due to his words while the anger in his voice was evident, the look on his face as he turned and saw us caused the rage to turn into a blank look. I wasn’t sure what to do, I knew my face was probably not doing best to hide how awkward and uncomfortable I felt while complete silence filled the apartment. 

I heard a loud sigh from John that seemed to break the silence, “We need to get to the arena for our shoot.”

He moved towards their bedroom while Nikki followed which left Randy and I alone. He ran a hand over his face before smiling slightly as he made his way towards me which made me realize I hadn’t left the doorway.

“I’m sorry you had to hear that. Uhm.. I guess it’s what happens when you have some sort of reputation.” He smirked while I couldn’t get a word out, spending time with Nikki had made me feel at ease, but it was obvious John didn’t like me much.

“It sounded like it was more about me than you” I whispered which caused his jaw to clench and I knew it wasn’t due to me. He pulled my hand into his and closed the front door before pulling me along to the guest room.

“I told you I don’t need their approval”

“Randy, I should have just gone home. I don’t want to be the one causing fights between you and your friends.” I shrugged and sat down on the edge of the bed while he laid down, on his side, next to me.

“We always fight about something, Lyla. And you aren’t causing anything, the only one causing shit is John because he has to be the advisor and all that crap.” 

“So what was he advising you about?”

He searched my eyes as if thinking of the best way to answer my question, “How much did you hear when you came in?”

“Everything from you making it clear I am more than just a fling. It was obvious you were saying things to defend me, does my age bother him that much?” I knew I should have probably brought up the fact that he had blurted out that he loved me. Those words were on the tip of my tongue, the question if he meant it, did I love him? Those were all swirling around in my mind but didn’t make it out and he seemed almost relieved by the question I asked instead as well.

“He just doesn’t see grey”

I smiled as confusion filled me, he pulled me onto him and nudged his nose over mine, “He sees the facts. Your age, my age, our kids and the fact that I am divorced. He thinks I have too much baggage for a young, impressionable woman like you”

“And you think you don’t?”

“I don’t. Yeah, I have had my thoughts about what you could call baggage but never about it weighing you down. I don’t need you to handle all the things I have accumulated in my years, the same way you don’t want me handling what you had to deal with. I understand that the weight may spill over on one of us here and there, but I would never put the pressure on you to carry it for me. So, when he points that out, it’s irrelevant to me”

K I T T Y // RANDY ORTONWhere stories live. Discover now