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I leaned onto the counter and watched as people made their way hastily down the street

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I leaned onto the counter and watched as people made their way hastily down the street. I used to find it sad as they all seemed important with briefcases and uniforms while my uniform was either a odd coloured dress or minimal clothing. I wasn't ashamed of my job in the diner it was just that I wished I had some sort of status symbol that Luca could admire. Its just who I was, I wanted Luca's life to be perfect but I guess a status symbol wasn't all that good with his father being one of the people who held briefcases but couldn't find time for his son.

So that's why staring out of the window today was just me staring out of the window observing all the different people the world had to offer. Mostly people I didn't know and people who I was better off not knowing while certain people's lives were so busy seeing them everyday was impossible.

"So I assume that you and the charming wrestler have finally fucked with that dreamy look on your face." I heard Adam and immediately glared his way at the mention of the person my thoughts had been unintentionally drifting towards.

"God, no!" I shook my head and grabbed a cloth to wipe the counter down to get away from the pass but soon heard the kitchen door open.

"Wiping the counter won't wipe away your dirty sins." He smirked and I was about to respond when I heard Lacey.

"Nah I'm sure if they did anything she wouldn't be having that pep in her step. He seems like the 50 shades of Orton type" She said seriously before bursting out into a grin.

"Can you guys keep it down" I cringed despite knowing they wouldn't when our boss hardly came in considering he had great faith that the diner wouldn't burn down with us around and well it was a slow weekday.

"Lyla, its been years since we have been able to torture you. Let us live woman!" Lacey whined going on her knees before me and hugging me with a slight groan.

"And it will be years there is nothing to go on with him" I pried her hands off me and she rolled her eyes as she stood up.

"Nothing at all? It wasn't too long ago that you said he was annoying you, following you around and practically stalking you" Adam spoke and I hated that I had been frustrated and spilled all those things to them.

"Yeah well I might have left out the part that we met at my second job." I mumbled as the last time I had seen him had been there or well in his home. I had mixed feelings on what had happened to lead me there, I knew my boss had been furious with me because Randy hurt one of his other clients and that would lead to repercussions for me but what happened after surprised me I guess.

I hadn't expected to be taken to his home, beautiful home might I add or to vaguely let him have an idea of what the situation was regarding Luca's father. But I saw his lifestyle, it was a luxury and I wasn't sure why he claimed to want me when I was everything but what was needed to fit that mold.

K I T T Y // RANDY ORTONWhere stories live. Discover now