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"I saw you out there

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"I saw you out there." John smirked as we packed up our stuff after completing a live show.

"Saw me kicking their ass?" I chuckled but he shook his head.

"Saw you searching the crowds, what, you invite your stripper to the show?"

"She's not a stripper and no. Just because I take note of our fans doesn't mean I'm searching for someone. " I scoffed despite heading over there after I left this building.

"I don't know why you love a challenge so much. You know Nicole has some amazing friends that would..."

"I'd rather not be set up with one of Nicole's friends. Nothing against them but I have my eye on this woman and I can't see heading for anyone else."

"Does that mean you're abstaining?" He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"That's something you don't need to be concerned about."


"Where is she?" I frowned having been seated in the room for the past twenty minutes expecting her to come with an eye roll seeing me waiting for her but nothing. I had walked in with a smile seeing the empty room, I had been lucky enough to either see someone leave or having her called from the back for me.

I preferred knowing she was at the back not being with anyone than seeing some old guy leaving and knowing she was forced to do all the things to him that deep down I knew she enjoyed with me. She tried to hide it but whether she liked it or not she had kissed me last week, willingly.

"Who?" He frowned while I sighed as it wasn't like I had a different one every week.

"Oooh her, she's not feeling good tonight. So she's serving..." He nodded as I saw her cleaning the tables and frowned seeing a few guys ogling her as she bent over cleaning tables and not seeming to notice their gaze.

I wasn't sure how I hadn't noticed her before when my eyes were drawn to her, "And you're not forcing her to dance?"

He seemed annoyed as he briefly glanced her way, "She came in here moping. I don't need customers complaining that they might as well be at home with their nagging wife."

I nodded and slowly strolled over, seeing her pattern and took my seat at the table she would be moving to next. She turned and as she did peeked at me while her long hair hung in her face.

"I hear my favourite is off for the night." I softly spoke as she slowly cleaned it.

"No, she's just stopped by your friend. " She huffed seeming annoyed as well, glaring his way while he didn't to notice.

She finished and moved onto the next so I sat down there as well, most of the guys were glued to the stage where some show was displayed while I could care less.

K I T T Y // RANDY ORTONWhere stories live. Discover now