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Royal Rumble 2017

I waited backstage awkwardly where the security had led me to before I saw Randy making his way down some distance away. I observed the pats on the back and the handshakes while a man who I knew was a physician walked beside him as well as a referee. 

I had watched proudly as Randy stood on the top rope and pointed to the Wrestlemania sign and knew Luca would probably be so excited when he eventually watched it. The match had been intense, and Randy had made sure to acknowledge me several times throughout the match. Luckily for me no one else realized the winks or glances were for me as I was surrounded by other women who screamed thinking it was for them and I didn’t mind it.

He had also been kind enough to ensure I got a seat that wasn’t in view with the camera in case someone happened to connect the dots. 

I glanced at the closed door I stood next to and saw it was the trainer’s room and felt Randy’s presence soon after. The two men entered while he told them he would be right in and then turned to me.

He stood close enough so that I would be forced to look up at him and be confronted with his bare chest if I didn’t. “What did you think?”

I frowned at his weary tone when he should have known the answer, “What do you mean what did I think? You won the freaking Royal Rumble, Randy!”

He chuckled and briefly glanced down both ends of the hallway before lowering his head and whispering in my ear, “I know I won, I want to know if I was good enough out there to turn you on like you do to me when I watch you work”

I felt my heart beat faster as his voice vibrated against my ear and if I wasn’t before, I certainly felt the heat filling my body in that moment. Before I could push him away or glare at him for making me feel that way his hand gripped my face and his lips smashed into mine.

I ignored where we were and returned the kiss almost immediately while he pushed his body as close as it could go against mine. I moaned and as soon as I did he broke the kiss and smirked before kissing my forehead and entering the room.

I glanced around to see if anyone had seen, if they had they weren’t paying attention anymore and I heard his voice from inside the room telling me to come in. I moved beside him and he introduced them to me, “…And this is my girlfriend, Lyla”

I politely smiled while noticing the huge smile on his face as he said it and rolled my eyes at him which they noticed and chuckled. I watched as he swung his leg onto the bed and saw his jaw clench as it was examined and knew something was wrong. I hoped it wasn’t too serious though…

“You're hurt aren't you?” I questioned as they left us alone but all he did was look at me.

“I know this wasn’t your first time watching me but standing there and having my hand raised with you staring at me? Had to be the best way for me to enjoy that moment.” His voice was low and it was probably one of the few times he wasn’t being cocky or trying to amuse himself so I appreciated the sincerity in his voice.

“I was a very proud girlfriend in that moment, Randy.” I smiled before I gently kissed him.


I sat in the locker room Randy shared with his partner, Bray Wyatt, who had already left by the time we got in here after dealing with the trainer. I had just had a short facetime with Luca thanks to Lacey while Randy was in the shower. 

I heard a knock and jumped as I wasn’t expecting anyone, but the door soon opened to reveal John Cena and Nikki Bella.

I saw confusion fill their faces just as Randy exited the bathroom with a jeans on while his head was covered as he was pulling over a hoodie, “Babe…oh”

K I T T Y // RANDY ORTONWhere stories live. Discover now