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"You shouldn't do that you know?" I heard Melina and frowned as I slowly packed up my bag before setting it into my locker.

"Do what?"

"Let the boss know he is getting to you. So you're on punishment cause the wrestler punched a client or two. Soon it will die down once he realizes you're still making him more money than the rest. So just suck it up and smile."

The incident had left a few of the women talking and had resulted in me being avoided by men for a few nights. Needless to say my boss had not been impressed but it had all been forgotten a week later.

"He is just such a big ass though" I sighed which led to her laughing and I smiled. "But I'll block everything he does out as best I can. I can't afford to lose this job."

"There's no way he'll fire you. Your little dancing gets a lot of men going, you're like foreplay before they get to us." She shrugged and I didn't really respond because I wasn't keen on the idea of being in demand but knew it was a good way for me to make money if only my boss didn't take more than half of it.

I said my goodbyes to her before throwing on my coat and tying it securely and heading out of the club embracing the air outside as inside there were so many nauseating smells of smoke, sweat...

I frowned as my thoughts came to a halt as I saw a familiar car parked a few feet away and thanks to the street light I could see what was Randy in the driver's seat focused on his phone I guess. I hadn't known he would be here as he had gone radio silent after I had said I couldn't make his event that had been last week. I made my way towards the car and rest my hands on the open window on the passenger side and peeked in.

He frowned but smiled as he saw me and set his phone down, "So turns out when you punch two clients you get banned for awhile."

I was surprised to hear that as I had thought my boss was quite friendly with him but then again my boss was one to switch his moods constantly.

"That's too bad. Guess you'll have to survive without my ass on your lap" I sighed dramatically happy to see a smile but I suppose if he was mad he wouldn't have been here. I would have liked to go but it would have been weird when he was just.. I wasn't sure and explaining it to my mom would have been complicated. And what if Luca saw me in the crowd when he watched? There were just too many factors so refusing had been best.

"Who says that couldn't be arranged tonight?"

"I only work for the money" I smiled deciding to not hold onto it as I was pretty sure I had exceeded the limit of bringing back old stuff to throw in his face. While his infatuation or whatever it was that kept him coming back had annoyed me I had mentally told myself to restart the moment I had left his house. Although I wouldn't let my guard down that easy.

K I T T Y // RANDY ORTONWhere stories live. Discover now