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“What’s going on in that head of yours? I hope it’s not round 3 cause I think we should have breakfast before that begins” I nudged Lyla as she laid on my chest, staring out of the window. It was a view I often got lost in, it provided the perfect view of nature and looked even better when some clouds rolled in. I would often have my morning coffee while just staring out in the distance and figuring out what I needed to get done.

She lift herself up so that she could stare at me and a small smile slowly formed on her face which led to me raising my eyebrow in anticipation of what would be coming out of her mouth. “I have been thinking that maybe we could spend some time with Luca today”

I smiled even though I assumed that wouldn’t be happening any time soon. She had spent the night with me after I had patiently waited outside of the club for her. “Are you sure?”

She slowly shook her head, “No. But I am sure of you and us so I think its time. I know that he is quite young, so he isn’t really aware of things, but I am, and I feel like I am lying to him. I mean I am because he just thinks I am working or he gets to spend time at Lacey’s place.”

I nodded as I had thought about Alanna meeting her for a couple months but the fact that I hadn’t seen Luca since I surprised her at her house had caused me to let go of the idea. My daughter was always curious about things and, at her young age, very concerned about her dad. So, sharing my happiness apart from her was something I wanted to do but something that would have to wait. I didn’t want to overwhelm Lyla so the fact that I would be able to spend time with her son made me content.

“I get it. Now we really have to get some breakfast in us to fuel the adventures for the day” I kissed her forehead before rolling on top of her while she laughed out. I loved seeing her experiencing joy in the moment, I tried to fix it in my memory for whatever difficult days I may experience in the future.

“We are just spending time at your house with my son. Not much of an adventure” She slowly outlined one of the skulls on my shoulder which she loved doing.

“For you. But he’s a kid, everything is an adventure at that age. Why do you think he likes spending time at Lacey’s? Everywhere that isn’t home is…”

“An adventure..” She smirked, “Okay, I get it”

I smiled and kissed her deeply before lifting her into my arms and taking her to the bathroom so that we could get the day going. 

“Lyla.” I called and she soon entered the room in a one piece which brought a smile to my face as I had bought it while being dragged around by Nattie and Nikki, they kept me out of trouble. “It looks even better on you than I thought it would.”

“Keep in mind that my son arrives in half hour” She giggled before taking a seat beside me on the couch.

“That’s why I called. At the risk of upsetting you I would like to ask a question” Her smile faltered and I could see her guard go up and while I could have just blurted it out, I warned her so that she wouldn’t be hit with a bucket of ice basically. “Uhm we have never directly spoken about Luca’s dad in detail. He has been brought up here and there when you were upset or trying to explain things but has Luca ever met him?”

She simply shook her head. “He left while I was still pregnant. It was abit of a talk and his parents didn’t want the scandal of their son knocking up the scholarship kid. I know it sounds silly now but it was a big thing then, they moved and I haven’t heard from him since.”

“How does he not wonder about him?” I scoffed.

“Not really. I am dreading the day when he does though, notices other families are different to ours. I know I'm not the first woman to have her baby daddy disappear but it scares me.” 

K I T T Y // RANDY ORTONWhere stories live. Discover now