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-Viper -

"Daddy, are you lonely?" Alanna patted my arm as I tried figuring out how to assemble the swing set in the backyard.

"What?" I questioned even though I had definitely heard.

"Are.you.lonely?" She said with more emphasize as she stared up at me.

"Why on earth would you ask me that?" I chuckled, I was used to her random questions but surprisingly not on how life was for me without her mother.

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The divorce was an adjustment for all of us, so was a new man in her mother's life and her believing we could still be together as all kids did. Until she simply avoided any topic relating to romance as Samantha became more serious with her choice.

"No one visited." She mumbled with a small shrug.

I frowned and she continued, "when you were hurt, no one visited. Only Uncle John and Coco. And Aunt Brie, but she only came to play with me"

"Those are people though" I smirked, briefly glancing at her as I was slowly but surely getting some success with the swing set that had been delivered shortly after her last visit.

"Daaaaaaddy!" She whined not liking my response and I shook my head.

"I'm not lonely, Ally. You know everyone else has to work." I simply said.

"And your girlfriend?" She slowly questioned which led to me stopping altogether and turning to her.

"What girlfriend?" I chuckled and lift her into my arms despite her growing quite fast these days, she'd always be my little girl despite her squirming in my arms with a slight giggle.

"The only girl in my life is my Alanna." I kissed the side of her head before I set her down on the grass beside me.

"What's going on in that little head of yours? Or have you been eavesdropping on mommy's conversations?" I narrowed my eyes and she glanced at her fingers which led to me sighing.

K I T T Y // RANDY ORTONWhere stories live. Discover now