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“It’s been way too long since we have had a street party” Lacey groaned as we were busy preparing some food to contribute for later in the day.

“It’s always a good time!” I heard my mom.

She always enjoyed it because the kids were on their own enjoying their craziness while the adults were able to have a little fun and let loose as well.
I had never been keen on where I lived but the get togethers and sense of community always made me appreciative of it.

Every few months a street party would be held for the neighbourhood. It was sort of a reunion even though we saw eachother every single day. Lacey had spent so much time at my house that she attended, along with Felix over the years.

“A nice occasion to bring everyone together” Lacey nudged me, and I rolled my eyes.

She was not so subtly telling me to spill the news that Randy would be coming which I had been dreading to do. Felix had advised me to tell my mom in advance, but that would have been a mistake because then she would have more time to prepare a speech for me.

“Uhm, did I mention that I invited Randy?” I mumbled and hoped that she didn’t really hear me but that it could still count as me giving her a warning before he showed up.

“Why would you invite him?” She turned to me accusingly.

I briefly glanced at Lacey pleadingly, but she remained silent, so I spoke. “He is my boyfriend and he happens to be in town so I figured it would be nice for him to share in the occasion, mami”

She always had so much to say at the times when I wished she wouldn't but now Lacey chose to be silent.

It was true, Randy had allowed me to see many parts of his life while he was a stranger to mine. It was intentional on my part because I didn’t think I had anything to share that would interest him when he had seen it all.

If Felix, who belonged to a wealthy family, could enjoy himself at our street parties then I hoped Randy could as well.

“So, you are tired of sneaking around with him?” She slowly folded her arms and I could feel her judgement from the other side of the kitchen.

“I’m not sneaking around with him” I defended.

“You think I don’t know that whenever you say you and Luca are spending the night by her, you are somewhere else? Your son notices everything...” She pointed towards the doorway as Luca was seated in the lounge, watching his shows.

I closed my eyes briefly, so I wouldn’t roll them due to the tone of her voice getting to me.

I knew she wouldn’t hold back even though Lacey was with us because she was family. The day I had told my mom I was pregnant I had dealt with a very pissed off mom while Lacey had held my hand for support. 

“I know he does. I don’t understand what you want, mom. You complain when I am home all day when I am not working and now that I have a boyfriend you make it clear how much you hate it” I frowned as it always felt like I couldn’t win when I liked to believe I had made the best out of the situation I put myself into.

“I just wish you would learn from your mistakes in the past!” She shook her head and I ignored the hint of disappointment that filled her voice. “These men with money suck you dry before they just toss you to the side and move onto the next woman."

“Randy is not some childish teenager. He is a grown man that knows what he wants and that happens to be me. And he has no intention of tossing me to the side. I have learnt a lot from the past, that’s why I kept him at arm’s length for so long because I had all the thoughts that you keep expressing to me. But I need to live too, mom.” 

K I T T Y // RANDY ORTONWhere stories live. Discover now