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I made my way backstage after the major plot twist of me siding with Bray Wyatt airing while we were at a live event

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I made my way backstage after the major plot twist of me siding with Bray Wyatt airing while we were at a live event. A plot twist that had been a surprise even for me considering I had been enjoying working with Kane for the last couple of weeks. It gave me a sense of being back on Raw with the Authority and all that.

I didn't mind the game changer though, it was interesting for me and the best part was that nobody would have suspected it happening. I said my goodbyes to the bearded bunch before strolling my way to the locker room.

I gave a nod to John and Jon seated in the men's locker room before sighing and checking my phone. There was nothing...

I made my way to the showers with a sigh as my Kitty had been quiet all week, she was one frustrating woman. It was like each step I took forward, she took a dozen back. She had seemed very happy to see me last week considering it had been our first encounter after I took her to my house where she had a bit of a break down. But she was still hesitant, I knew she wanted what I did but she found it easier to fight it.

I had been home all week and tonight the show was in my hometown and hoped maybe I'd see her face but nothing. I had Alanna with me for a few days which had served me good since I had missed my kid. It also meant I wasn't pestering Kitty, but once my little girl left I realized the lack of communication that had transpired between us over the last week.

I saw bits of the woman I believed she was behind the dancer, behind the annoyed woman, behind everything she put up. Each time I spent with her I saw a little bit of it but she'd go back to being annoyed with me so quickly I'd be confused in the end.

"What's on your mind, Orton? You look like you need a drink" Jon smirked.

"That's exactly what it feels like. Fuck." I sighed but then shook my head as I knew where I was heading after this. A week felt way too fucking long, two weeks had felt shorter whilst texting her but I needed more.

"Is it still that woman you're so smitten over?"

"What woman?" I heard Jon and I narrowed my eyes at the other John who happened to be my best friend. While I couldn't exactly stop my friends from hearing at gym, Jon was a big mouth and he happened to be in a relationship with Renee who knew the whole roster. So let's just say him knowing could lead to the entire roster knowing my business and I never liked the thought of that.

I cleared my throat, "someone I met while I was out injured"

"Ah I see, she played nurse for ya"

"Oh I wish" I chuckled. "I've known her for awhile but thing is I still don't know her. I'm still trying to make her realize just how much I want her."

"What's the deal? You sleep together and she was that good or you want to sleep with her and its all about the chase."

"I guess you could say I slept with her." I shrugged as technically we had but didn't finish. "And I think it started out as me wanting some sort of forbidden fruit but now its more like I actually want her as in a relationship to be honest."

K I T T Y // RANDY ORTONWhere stories live. Discover now