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"Well look at the badass" I smirked as I walked down the hallway and spotted Nikki who was seated by the seamstress. Her hair was in braids and she seemed to be ready for a fight.

"I know right?" She giggled before hopping off the table and walking along with me. "So I know we haven't spoken since you called me but how did things go and how are they going?"

"Things are going great actually. Which reminds me I have a call to make" I smirked as my match would be pretty soon. I was currently teaming up with Bray Wyatt and together we hoped to obtain the tag titles since it was TLC and all.

"Well I won't stop you" She pat my back and watched her walk over to her own opponent.

I chuckled and made my way to a crate in a secluded corner before dialling my favourite woman.

"Hey..." I began but frowned as I heard loud voices which caused me to speak before she could, "where are you?"

"Wouldn't you like to know" She spoke and I smirked at her playful tone, I was always happy hearing the happiness in her voice when for along time there was annoyance.

"I would actually, I need to make sure you're safe at all times when I'm not there."

"Do you think this arena is safe?" She almost screamed out and I frowned.

"I asked if you were safe and... Are you here?" I randomly questioned even though the idea didn't sound likely since we weren't in..

"Well I'm in the crowd and trying to enjoy a match"

I stood up, "As in here?"


I smiled, "Come back here"

"I told you I'm enjoying this match" She laughed out as I heard the crowd chanting.

"I'm coming to get you" I immediately made my way towards the gorilla to ask security with a big fucking smile on my face. How she had even gotten out here should have been the first question but I just wanted to see her. Two weeks since I had seen her, been inside her...

"Don't be ridiculous, you still have a match don't you?"

"Yeah but just for a few minutes. I need some luck" I pleaded and there was a brief silence apart from the background noise before her voice was heard again.


"Where are you seated?"

I waited at the lower end of the gorilla patiently when I had twenty minutes to go for my match. I saw the security I had asked and trailing behind him I could see her long locks flying as she walked. What I didn't expect to see was the little boy clutching her hand.

I cleared my throat and thanked the security and as soon as he walked on I turned my attention onto the two individuals before me. She smiled but for obvious reasons seemed hesitant when all I wanted to do was fucking kiss her.

"Hey little man, I hope you recognize me this time" I crouched down as the last time I had spoken to him he called me out on not being exactly who I was.

He nodded with a big smile, much different to the one time I had met him. What he did surprised both Lyla and I as he hugged me, "you're my favourite!"

I chuckled and hugged him and glanced up at Lyla to see a small smile on her face but also something in her brown eyes that I needed the answer to.

"Well I'm honoured. Am I only your favourite or your mom's too?" I questioned as he moved back and he glanced up at her.

"My mom doesn't have a favourite. But she likes what I like" He said rather confidently.

K I T T Y // RANDY ORTONWhere stories live. Discover now