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"You're still here." I heard Randy’s voice fill the kitchen and couldn’t stop myself from getting a fright before turning around to stare at him.

"Er did you not want me to be, I mean I could..."

"Are you fucking serious, I've been trying to make you stay for...” He glared and I liked to believe it was at the thought of me thinking of leaving but I couldn’t be sure.

"Don't get mad I..." I began but he cut me off and moved closer to me.

"I didn't mean to scare you"

"You didn't. It just annoys me when you glare at me" I shrugged having seen enough of it the previous night.

I should have been happy to see Randy first thing after dealing with my horrible boss but I knew as soon as he saw my face he would cause a scene. The last scene he caused left me to pick up the pieces and I was still suffering because of it but knew another one would definitely result in me being fired.

"But you love doing it to me" He half-smirked.

"I'm pretty sure my glaring does nothing but turn you on" I rolled my eyes because even last night when I was arguing with him I saw the glint in his eyes.

"You're right. " He smiled while I turned away from him and grabbed the pancakes and two plates I had taken out and placed it onto the small table.

I sat down which caused him to as well and I felt his eyes on me before he gently tugged on the edge of his t-shirt I wore.

"I took it out of your luggage, I didn't go through your cupboards." I said for some reason when by the confused look on his face that wasn’t the question on his mind at all. I recalled wandering his hallways the previous night, not wanting to leave him but also not wanting to argue. So I had showered and patiently waited for him and hoped he would actually be happy I had stayed.

He was.

"Ah good, otherwise I'm afraid you would have found my stalker pictures of you drawer." He smirked and I giggled even though I wouldnt put it past him to actually have one with how adamant he was to have me. I watched him take a rather large bite into his pancake before focusing on my own.

I was used to him being very vocal when we shared a meal, I always wondered how he ate so fast while I was still slowly finishing whatever I ate. Adam would say I was a conscious eater, concerned about how I would look while eating and that wasted way too much time and that I should just care about enjoying the feast. But sitting before him, how could I not be?

"Lyla..." I heard his voice finally and tore my eyes away from the half a pancake left in my plate while he had finished his second helping.

"Yeah?" He seemed to stop himself from saying something and instead leaned forward and gently kissed me. I returned it and felt his fingers gently moving over my bruised cheek and knew I would have to be the one to bring it up because he didn’t want to upset me.

"I can’t quit my job, Randy"

He sighed and sat back in his chair before shaking his head, "I don’t want to have to see bruises on your body ever again"

"It’s just how things are sometimes" I shrugged because I had seen worse happen to colleagues of mine who dared get smart with him. Its why I had never wanted to be involved in anymore than dancing but ofcourse Randy’s persistence and my feelings for him allowed other sides of me to be seen.

"The way he spoke of you I thought he treated you differently. That.."

"He did but then he saw me be more willing to you than others. After you punched that guy I wasn’t getting the usual customers and he was upset so he told me to make sure you stay away. His grip was tight and that caused the bruises on my wrist, not you" I admitted and that was about the only silver lining of the situation, that Randy was able to know he hadn’t hurt me.

K I T T Y // RANDY ORTONWhere stories live. Discover now