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I scrolled through my social media since that was where the feuds were at these days. If I were to be honest, I wasn’t a fan of the whole thing because it felt like you couldn’t fully switch off when you were home.
You had to continue the game even when you were meant to be home.

And that also meant you had to be more vigilant because social media being big in our world meant even more people wanted a snap of you if they knew you. Whether they were actually fans or not, which is why I could never argue with Lyla when she raised that point about not wanting to be in public.

I saw the door to the gentleman’s club open and spotted Lyla and frowned as I was expecting her to be out after another hour maybe. She was struggling with her bag as I hopped out of my car and made my way towards her.

"What.. What are you doing here?" She breath, clearly having not expected me once she noticed someone was approaching her.

"I swung by the diner to let Lacey know I'd pick you up." She had been very happy with me being the supportive boyfriend even when I despised the job. I tried not to be on her case about it too much but from the moment I looked into her eyes I knew she had no place doing what she did.

"It wasn't necessary" She shook her head as she fixed her coat, still having not bothered to greet me properly or even look at me.

I chuckled knowing the last time I was in town we hadn’t exactly had the best time together but we had left things on a good note. I assumed she would have put up a bigger fight once she realized I had bought her car back but thankfully she accepted the gift.  

"Seriously? No kiss baby?" She glanced away and I sighed knowing she didn’t want me at the club anymore, "Come on, I'll whip you up a late dinner and before you argue, I asked Lacey to swing by and take your little boy to breakfast on me."

"I just want to go home. I was planning on taking a walk anyway and..."

"Are you out of your mind?"

"Kitty!" I heard a voice causing both of us to glance back. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." She nodded while what seemed to be one of the other dancers stared at her concerned.

"I mean the way..." The woman went on but she was quickly cut off which led me to believe something had happened.

"Lina, I'm fine please..." She groaned and stared at her which led to them sharing a look and the dancer looking at me before nodding.

"Uhm okay" She mumbled before heading back inside.

"Why wouldn't you be fine?" I questioned after Lyla as she finally walked towards my car but she slammed the door shut on me.

"Did he make you go up on that stage again?" I asked as I got into the car and tried not to let my confusion turn into anger because she refused to tell me anything when I knew she was clearly affected by something and it wasn’t my presence.

"No." She mumbled, leaning against the window while I pulled away from the club.

"So I guess I'm finally going to head to your house while your mom's there?" I glanced at her because it was clear she wasn’t in the mood to be with me and I didn’t know what to do or say when she seemed upset.

"No, no I can't go home" I felt her hand on my thigh and her eyes on me while I focused on the road.

"So you're fine with staying at mine?"

"Take me to the diner." She sighed and sat back, detaching her hand from me and folding her arms.

I rolled my eyes but drove to my house because I wasn’t going to just drop her off when she was clearly upset.

K I T T Y // RANDY ORTONWhere stories live. Discover now