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“Mommy, are you okay?” I heard Luca as I sat and had lunch with him in the diner until Adam would drop him off at home for me during his break.

“Ofcourse, baby” I smiled and cut up his burger for him into smaller bites before stealing a french fry for myself.

“You look sad.” He frowned and I hated that he noticed that because I did my best to make sure he wasn’t aware.

“How can I be sad when I got to spend more time with you while working?” O playfully narrowed my eyes and gently ran my fingers through his curls that I adored. “Luca…”

“Yes mommy?” He stared up at me and I reached over to wipe some of the ketchup he had messed on his t-shirt. I should have been grateful he wasn’t sporting one of the t-shirts Randy had given him because he would have probably cried thinking he ruined it.

“Do you like Uncle Randy?” I questioned, even though I was sure the answer would be positive it was something I needed to be certain about.

“He is cool.” He nodded. “Can we go to his house again?” 

“You can tell me if you don’t though.  And we will see about visiting him again” Maybe I shouldn't have read too much into Randy allowing me to stay for lunch when I had technically broken into his house. But he had made a mark in our lives and I couldn't see my life without him so I would be hopeful for abit more.

I saw a person from one of my tables searching for me and placed a kiss on his forehead before moving to them.

“I thought you said things between you and Randy are on the rocks right now?” I heard Lacey as I rang up an order.

“They are. He comes back tomorrow and then I will just have to wait and see what my fate is.” I moved away and went over to check on one of my tables because I really didn’t want to get into it with Randy. I had thought things were going great and then the incident with my boss happened and it all took a change. 

I knew he still cared about me because while he had been cold when he had first seen me in his home. He had tried his best not to look at me but when he had stopped fighting that’s when I saw the sincerity in his eyes for me. I wish we could have spoken about us but I knew that he didn’t want his daughter possibly hearing us.

I had appreciated him letting me have lunch with them, she was adorable and abit shy but sweet. I almost forgot that Randy and I were possibly over because of the lunch shared that day.

“Lyla” I heard Lacey and assumed my order was up. “If you and Randy are uncertain then why on earth are you in my explore?"

"What?" I wasn’t sure what she was…

"On Instagram" She added.

"I haven't uploaded even five pictures on that thing" I frowned and walked around so I could see what she was talking about.

"Randy." I sighed seeing he had posted a picture not of me but my back to him as I made dinner, leaning on my toes as I attempted reaching for something.

'Finally I don't have to rely on delivered foods' was the caption to the picture he had posted the day before. The picture was taken the weekend before everything went downhill, I knew that because I was wearing the one piece.

"He tagged me. No." I groaned to myself before quickly taking the food to the table and as soon as I got back I logged into my account.

I had hoped they wouldn’t have paid attention to who was tagged but I should have known better. I instantly saw a crazy amount of notifications of people commenting on my two pictures I had uploaded a year ago.

K I T T Y // RANDY ORTONWhere stories live. Discover now