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I strolled into the diner and didn't see my favourite person anywhere. I felt my jaw clench at the thought of her actually being in the club when I had wanted to surprise her here.

"Ah I thought it was you! Lyla isn't in yet" I heard Adam from the back.

"And where might she be?" I questioned and briefly checked my phone for anything from her as I had driven here straight from the airport.

"Well putting her son to bed I assume" I heard Lacey as she set her tray down before focusing on me.

I cleared my throat, "oh yeah"

"Can I ask you a question?" Lacey moved behind the counter and poured me a cup of coffee before leaning closer.

"I feel like you're going to ask me anyway so please do" I shrugged knowing from my brief encounters with the best friend that she would say what she wanted to whether I liked it or not.

"You look like the guy who doesn't like any man close to his girlfriend"

"What man would" I frowned.

"But ofcourse you know what my best friend does besides this" She lowered her voice and I couldn't stop my eyebrows from raising, "Did you really think we didn't know? I'm the one who picks her up"

"Does she not have her own car?"

"She does, finally has her dream car Range Rover..."

"Really? I don't think I have ever seen it." I shook my head and briefly sipped from the hot coffee.

"That's because my best friend is a stubborn little bitch who won't let her friends help her out. I guess she doesn't want to get attached cause she's looking to sell it" She rolled her eyes seeming slightly ticked off and I felt slightly lost. The last time they had been at my house, Lyla had opened up more which I loved but I knew there was a lot more to the woman who had me on my toes.

"Why?" I knew she wouldn't say more because she seemed to have realized all she had rambled.

"I have already said too much but back to my question. Does it not bother you that she dances for all these random gross men?" Her voice lowered to the end.

It definitely fucking did.

"While I still have a lot to learn about Lyla I'm sure I would be correct to say that how I feel wouldn't matter because its her job" I had gotten a taste of that when I tried saving her from a creep and got her pissed at me.

"You're smart! But it does bother you" She narrowed her eyes, searching mine as if she could possibly read them when I had a pretty good poker face.

"Of course it does. I want her to be my girlfriend so I'm not eager that she's in that place every night with me in different states." I answered as honestly as I could.

"Thank you for discussing me" I heard Lyla and jumped while Lacey rolled her eyes.

"I was just asking him how he feels about your second job"

She stood beside me and glared at her friend before handing her her jacket and bag.

"You didn't tell me you were going to be here" she whispered and I turned to her while Lacey moved into the kitchen wondering how much she had heard.

"I thought by now you would know I love surprising you, are you not happy to see me?" I pouted and the annoyance on her face faded as I did.

"I am" She smiled as I wrapped my arm around her. "I have to work though"

K I T T Y // RANDY ORTONWhere stories live. Discover now