● ONE ●

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I hopped out of the Range Rover I had finally gotten last week after saving up for quite sometime

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I hopped out of the Range Rover I had finally gotten last week after saving up for quite sometime. I liked how spacious it was and how bigger it made me feel when I happened to be quite petite.

I shot a friendly smile to a few who glanced my way before leaning back against the car. I smiled brightly as I saw my Luca making his way down the steps and racing towards me. I crouched down and opened my arms wide and squeezed him tightly within them as soon as he reached me.

"Oh my baby you always make mommy's day with your hugs" I breath into his mop of curls.

"I know a new rhyme mommy"

"Oh you do? I can't wait to hear it later." I smiled as I took off his backpack and slid it onto the passenger seat before opening the backdoor.

I felt someone staring at me and glanced in the mirror of my car to see a guy who seemed familiar but not from the group of other parents, I knew where from though. I immediately set Luca into his car seat placing a kiss on his forehead before walking around.

I shook my head to erase the image of the salt peppered haired man and drove off. Hoping I wouldn't see him later and the shame of seeing me as a normal woman, a mother, would send him on his way. That's the thing about guys they love the fantasy, they love believing that you have no life other than to please them.

And that's what I did at Promiscuous. I took the control away from them with my rules and limits.

I didn't allow any physical contact from their side or any verbal. That was what they liked, just having me put on a show and what I liked or what I had to endure. Unfortunately I couldn't blindfold them, most of them didn't recognize me with my hair always hung in my face and the dark lighting but I of course could never forget their faces. So if I saw them I knew...

"Did you pick up the groceries?" My mom's voice rang from the kitchen as soon as I opened.

"Yes mami!" I rolled my eyes as I did the cooking so I wasn't...

"I hope you are not rolling those brown eyes your father blessed you with at me?" I sighed and made my way into the kitchen as Luca took his seat.

Luca was my five year old son I had when I was eighteen. To say my mother had been disappointed when her only daughter showed up pregnant in senior year would be an understatement. Of course plenty of the other cheerleaders, well let's not single them out, most of the teenagers slept around but my first time was the charm.

I would like to say Luca's dad had been stand up but he wasn't. He did his best to not acknowledge our existence as he lived a life in a city either New York or Seattle I wasn't sure. He used to send money as I guess he felt guilty that his parents made him do it but that soon stopped.

My dad had been trying his best to help me as I stayed home with Luca but once he got sick I took control of the household.

When Luca was about three my dad passed so now it was just us three and up to me to be the breadwinner.

K I T T Y // RANDY ORTONWhere stories live. Discover now