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"Are you okay? You've been kinda off since Felix' club opening

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"Are you okay? You've been kinda off since Felix' club opening." Lacey's voice filled my ear.

"If you are telling me I have been looking miserable for the last week then thanks I guess?" I frowned before taking the tray and moving over to one of my tables to clear it.

It was a Monday night, a slow one at that and since I would be the one closing the diner I regretted having a long shift at the club the previous night.

"Not miserable. You look great. I know you well that's all. So you puked after feeling his dick, worse things have happened and.."

"Say it louder will you? And I didn't even mean to tell you that, I was still hungover." I shook my head as I had indeed puked my guts out after feeling him or after he made me feel him. It definitely wasn't my proudest moment, especially since he hadn't left after that either. Instead he had followed me in and held up my hair and even took me home with him.

"Then why did you leave his place? I'm sure he would have cooked you a five course meal or allow explosions to go off in your head that would get rid of all doubts." She smiled brightly and seemed to be imagining the explosions as she stared in the distance.

"You really should choose which side you are on. One minute he is a known Casanova and the next you are rooting for him." I narrowed my eyes as I emptied the tray and placed it back onto the others.

"Call me crazy but I like a persistent guy. Persistence takes patience and effort and its not like he is a creep who we know nothing about. He is RKO" She smiled triumphantly and I sighed as I sat down at the counter.

"I don't know why I left him. I don't know why I always repel from him when all he does is show up every where I least expect."

"Where are you going?" Randy questioned as I stumbled on him in the kitchen. I had woken up in what was either his bed or a guest room with my outfit of last night replaced by his shirt.

"My son will be waking up soon so..." I began which caused his eyes to fall on me.

He held a small smile as he gazed at his shirt before staring into my eyes.

"I'm flying out tonight. Was hoping to make us breakfast" He whispered and tugged on his shirt to pull me closer and as he did the previous night flashed in my mind.

He had made me..

In a fucking club surrounded by...

"Maybe some other time" I quickly mumbled and he eyed me.

"We both know that isn't true. You have to be back for your son every morning. I can't take you to dinner because you have to have dinner with him. Lunch you have to pick him up from school" He trailed off letting go of me and leaning against the kitchen counter.

K I T T Y // RANDY ORTONWhere stories live. Discover now