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"So you planning on making a break for it kitty kat?" I heard Melina, a veteran within the club if you could call it that, but she had been the one to interview me when I first approached the club.

"What do you mean?" I frowned as I watched her do her make-up. When I told the Viper to get his fix somewhere else I had her in mind as she was an expert at fulfilling the needs of these lusting men.

"You found yourself a guy" she shrugged with a small smirk and I giggled lightly.

"I did?"

"Yes, that wrestler that comes in here every chance he gets. I tried to get with him you know? But he only wants his kitty from Kitty" She sighed dramatically and I laughed out.

"Don't worry, he'll be heading your way soon. He'll get tired." I shook my head searching for my red shade before her handing it it to me.

"How have you not fucked him yet? I mean I know you're scared of extending your brand to that extent but no hook ups outside?" She eyed me questioningly and the last time I had been with him briefly filled my mind, I had been so closed and I hated it.

"How have you not fucked him yet? I mean I know you're scared of extending your brand to that extent but no hook ups outside?" She eyed me questioningly and the last time I had been with him briefly filled my mind, I had been so closed and I hated it

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I shook my head, "I just don't need that complications in my life."

"Its just sex."

"Yeah that's what my high school boyfriend told me and nine months later I was blessed with my little boy." I snapped but then sighed, "I'm sorry. I just don't feel like having to deal with it."

"I'm just saying if I had a guy like him after me, I'd make it worth my while especially if I was a single mom. Sometimes our morals need to go out the door for a bit. Moms need some sugar too, hun" She narrowed her eyes as she stood up taking the curling iron from my grasps and doing my hair for me.

"I find it funny that you're not telling me I don't have morals so why wouldn't I go for it." I gave a small smile as people believed you were trash simply by an association with a place like this.

"I know myself and I can sleep with how many guys but its my job. I don't believe I am less than some CEO who fucks some guys over to get what he wants. I just want you to know there's more to life than this, and you have to find that"

K I T T Y // RANDY ORTONWhere stories live. Discover now