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"So hard…" 

"Are you serious?" Adam smirked and I groaned into my burger as I took a bite.

"Yes, I'm really falling for him. I mean I have known him for half a year technically, with us actually talking over lapping. We see each other once a week but it's like it just magnifies everything and it's exactly what I was afraid of" I admitted to him when he had been questioning me about my relationship with Randy all afternoon.

I appreciated my friends support, I mean they were ready to chop his dick off about a month ago when we saw pictures of him at Hooters. But now they were all behind him and wanting me to go full force with him when I was simply trying to get used to the idea of officially having someone after being alone for so long.

"You had his dick. It's natural, I mean the way he looks at you I'm sure he makes you call him Daddy

I hushed him as we were eating in one of the booths. "I call him Papi to screw with him when we hang out but not while we're in bed"

"And when you're in his car?" He wiggled his eyebrows before taking a sip of his milkshake. I rolled my eyes as I knew I would regret telling them about the first time Randy and I had done it.

"That was once. I'm only seeing him on Friday, after two weeks. I think he wanted us to spend Christmas together" I mumbled as he had hinted towards it, but it wouldn’t have worked. 

"I don't know why you're so scared when he is just ready to play house with you" He half groaned. 

"I don't think he is" I shook my head even though when he spoke he made it seem like there was no other option but me.

"The guy is closer to 40 than 30. And we all know how he used to be" He hinted towards the Randy Orton that certainly had a thing for the ladies. 

"You know what you read online" I shook my head as it was different when he was just the famous wrestler, feeding into his persona was so easy. Having feelings for him made me just not want to remember how he was perceived by everyone, especially when that had led to me being upset with him weeks before. I guess I couldn’t be too mad at it when his ways had led to him being my boyfriend.

"Exactly. And now it's the usual, he has learned from all his mistakes in the past and he is ready to settle down" He smiled brightly at his conclusion. 

"I feel like I'm more the middle man before he meets the actual woman he wants to change for. I'm the young mid-life crisis" I narrowed my eyes as mine sounded way more plausible. 

"Nah, you're the trophy wife" He adamantly disagreed.

"Shut up!" I rolled my eyes. 

"It's nice joking around but what ain't a joke is the fact that you are really falling for him" He sighed, briefly glancing around the empty diner before focusing on me again as I had gone silent. 

"And my mom still doesn't know about him" I pointed out. 

"I bet she knows you have someone with that smile on your face all the time"

"She does suspect but I haven't told her anything. I'm just trying to figure out the whole him spending time with Luca and Luca not being hypnotized by the wrestler and realizing he is my… Friend"

I didn’t like lying but I knew it was best to keep things to myself while Randy and I were still in the early stages of our relationship and it wasn’t like Randy was begging me to meet his daughter or anything.

K I T T Y // RANDY ORTONWhere stories live. Discover now